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Murray Rothbard

"Rothbard" redirects here. For other uses, see Rothbard (disambiguation).

Murray Rothbard

BornDiedResting placeNationalitySpouse(s)InstitutionSchool or

TraditionAlma materInfluencesContributions

Murray Rothbard in the 1990s

Murray Newton Rothbard

(1926-03-02)March 2, 1926

Bronx, New York City, New York, U. S.

January 7, 1995(1995-01-07) (aged 68)

New York City, New York, U. S.

Oakwood Cemetery, Unionville, Virginia, U. S.

JoAnn Rothbard (m. 1953)

Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute

University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Austrian School
Columbia University
Aristotle, Aquinas, Barnes, Bastiat, Bawerk, Calhoun, Cantillon, Chodorov, Hayek, Locke, Mencken, Menger, Mises, Nock, Oppenheimer, Plato, Rand, Say, Schumpeter, Socrates, Spencer, Spooner, Sumner, La Boétie
Anarcho-capitalism, historical revisionism, libertarianism, paleolibertarianism, title-transfer theory of contract

Murray Newton Rothbard (; March 2, 1926 – January 7, 1995) was an American heterodox economist of the Austrian School,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] historian,[9][10] and political theorist.[11] Rothbard was the founder and leading theoretician of anarcho-capitalism, a staunch advocate of historical revisionism and a central figure in the 20th-century American libertarian movement. He wrote over twenty books on political theory, revisionist history, economics, and other subjects.[12]

Rothbard argued that all services provided by Lew rockwell bitcoin mining "monopoly system of the corporate state" could be Lew rockwell bitcoin mining more efficiently Lew rockwell bitcoin mining the private sector and wrote that the state is "the organization of robbery systematized and writ large".[13][14][15][16][17][18] He called fractional-reserve banking a form of fraud and opposed central banking.[19] He categorically opposed all military, political, and economic interventionism in the affairs of other nations.[20][21] According to his protégé Hans-Hermann Hoppe, "[t]here would be no anarcho-capitalist movement to speak of without Rothbard".[22]

Libertarian economist Jeffrey Herbener, who calls Rothbard his friend and "intellectual mentor", wrote that Rothbard received "only ostracism" from mainstream academia.[23] Rothbard rejected mainstream economic Lew rockwell bitcoin mining and instead embraced the praxeology of his most important intellectual precursor, Ludwig von Mises. To promote his economic and political ideas, Rothbard joined Lew Rockwell and Burton Blumert in 1982 to establish the Mises Institute in Alabama.

Life and work[edit]


Rothbard's parents were David and Rae Rothbard, Jewish immigrants to the United States from Poland and Russia, respectively. David Rothbard was a chemist.[24] Murray attended Birch Wathen, a private school in New York City.[25] Rothbard later stated that he much preferred Birch Wathen to the "debasing and egalitarian public school system" he had previously attended in the Bronx.[26]

Rothbard wrote of having grown up as a "right-winger" (adherent of the "Old Right") among friends and neighbors who were "communists or Lew rockwell bitcoin mining. He was a member of The New York Young Republican Club in his youth.[27] Rothbard characterized his Lew rockwell bitcoin mining father as an individualist who embraced the American values of minimal government, free enterprise, private property and "a determination to rise by one's own merits. "[A]ll socialism seemed to me monstrously coercive and abhorrent".[26]

He attended Columbia University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics in Lew rockwell bitcoin mining and eleven years later his Ph. D. in economics in 1956. The delay in receiving his Ph. D. was due in part to conflict with his advisor, Joseph Dorfman, and in part to Lew rockwell bitcoin mining Burns’s rejecting his doctoral dissertation. Burns was a longtime friend of the Rothbard family and their neighbor at their Manhattan apartment building. It was only after Burns went Lew rockwell bitcoin mining leave from the Columbia faculty to head President Eisenhower's Council of Economic Advisors that Rothbard's thesis was accepted and he received his doctorate.[11](pp43–44)[28] Rothbard later stated that all of his fellow students there were extreme leftists and that he was one of only two Republicans on the Columbia campus at the time.[11](p4)

During the 1940s, Rothbard became acquainted with Frank Chodorov and read widely in libertarian-oriented works by Albert Jay Nock, Garet Garrett, Isabel Paterson, H. L. Mencken, and others as well as Austrian economistLudwig von Mises.[11](p46) In the early 1950s, when Mises was teaching at the Wall Street division of New York UniversityBusiness School, Rothbard attended Mises' unofficial seminar. Rothbard was greatly influenced by Mises' book, Human Action. Rothbard attracted the attention of the William Volker Fund, a group that Lew rockwell bitcoin mining financial backing to promote various right-wing ideologies in the 1950s and early 1960s.[29] The Volker Fund paid Rothbard to write a textbook to explain Human Action in a form which could be used to introduce college undergraduates to Mises' views; a sample chapter he wrote on Lew rockwell bitcoin mining and credit won Mises's approval. For ten years, Rothbard was paid a Lew rockwell bitcoin mining by Lew rockwell bitcoin mining Volker Fund, which designated him a "senior analyst".[11](p54) As Rothbard continued his work, he enlarged the project. The result was Rothbard's book Man, Economy, and State, published in 1962. Upon its publication, Mises praised Rothbard's work effusively.[30](p14)

Marriage, employment, and activism[edit]

In 1953, he married JoAnn Schumacher (1928–1999), whom he called Joey, in New York City.[30](p124) JoAnn was his editor and a close Lew rockwell bitcoin mining as well as hostess of his Rothbard Salon. They enjoyed a loving marriage and Rothbard often called her "the indispensable framework" behind his life and achievements. According to Joey, patronage from the Volker Fund allowed Rothbard to work from home as a freelance theorist and pundit for the first fifteen years of their marriage.[31] The Volker Fund collapsed in 1962, leading Rothbard to seek employment from various New York academic institutions. He was offered a part-time position teaching economics to the engineering students of Lew rockwell bitcoin mining Polytechnic Institute in 1966 at age 40. This institution had no economics department or economics majors and Rothbard derided its social science department as "Marxist". However, Justin Raimondo writes that Rothbard liked his role with Brooklyn Polytechnic because working only two days a week gave him freedom to contribute to developments in libertarian politics.[11]

Rothbard continued in this role for twenty years until 1986.[32][33] Then 60 years old, Rothbard left Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute for the Lee Business School at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Lew rockwell bitcoin mining, where he held the title of S. J. Hall Distinguished Professor Lew rockwell bitcoin mining Economics, an endowed chair paid for by a libertarian businessman.[34][35] According to Rothbard's friend, colleague and fellow Misesian economist Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Rothbard led a "fringe Lew rockwell bitcoin mining in academia, but he was able to attract a large number of "students and disciples" through his writings, thereby becoming "the creator and one of the principal agents of the contemporary libertarian movement".[36] Rothbard maintained his position at UNLV from 1986 until his death.[32] Rothbard founded the Center for Libertarian Studies in 1976 and the Journal Lew rockwell bitcoin mining Libertarian Studies in 1977. In 1982, he co-founded the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama and was vice president of academic affairs until 1995.[32] The Institute's Review of Austrian Economics, a heterodox economics[37] journal later renamed the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, was also founded by Rothbard in 1987.[38]

After Rothbard's death, Joey reflected on Rothbard's happiness and bright spirit, saying that "he managed to make a living for 40 years without having to get up before noon. This was important to him". She recalled how Rothbard would begin every day with a phone conversation with his colleague Lew Rockwell: "Gales of laughter would shake the house or apartment, as they checked in with each other. Murray thought it was the best possible way to start a day".[39] Rothbard was irreligious and agnostic toward the existence of God,[40][41] describing himself as a "mixture of an agnostic and a Reform Jew".[42] Despite identifying as an agnostic and an atheist, Rothbard was critical of the "left-libertarian hostility to religion".[43] In Rothbard's later years, many of his friends anticipated that he would convert to Catholicism, Lew rockwell bitcoin mining he never did.[44]The New York Times obituary called Rothbard "an economist and social philosopher who fiercely defended individual freedom against government intervention".[32]

Conflict with Ayn Rand[edit]

In 1954, Rothbard, along with several other attendees of Mises' seminar, joined the circle of novelist Ayn Rand, the founder of Objectivism. He soon parted from her, writing among other things that her ideas were not as original as she proclaimed, but similar to those of Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and Herbert Spencer.[11](pp109–14) In 1958, after the publication of Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged, Rothbard wrote a "fan letter" to her, calling the book "an infinite treasure house" and "not merely the greatest novel ever written, [but] one of the very greatest books ever written, fiction or nonfiction". Lew rockwell bitcoin mining also wrote: "[Y]ou introduced me to the whole field of natural rights and natural law philosophy", prompting him to learn "the glorious natural rights Lew rockwell bitcoin mining, 132–34)[45](pp145, Lew rockwell bitcoin mining Rothbard rejoined Rand's circle for a few months, but he soon broke with Rand once more over Lew rockwell bitcoin mining differences, including his defense of anarchism.

Later, Rothbard satirized Rand's acolytes in his unpublished one-act playMozart Was a Red[47] written as a farce and the essay "The Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult".[45](p184)[48][49] Rothbard characterized Rand's circle as a "dogmatic, personality cult". His Lew rockwell bitcoin mining parodies Rand (through the character Carson Sand) and her friends and is set during a visit from Keith Hackley, a fan of Sand's novel The Brow of Zeus (a play on Rand's most famous novel, Atlas Shrugged).[50]


Rothbard died of a heart attack on January 7, 1995 at the age of 68. He was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Unionville, Virginia.

Ethical and philosophical views[edit]

Austrian economics[edit]

Rothbard was an advocate and practitioner of the Austrian School tradition of his teacher Ludwig von Mises. Like Mises, Rothbard rejected the application of the scientific method to economics and dismissed econometrics, empirical and statistical analysis and other tools of mainstream social science as useless for the study of economics.[51] He instead embraced praxeology, the strictly A priori methodology of Mises. Praxeology conceives of economic laws as akin to geometric or mathematical axioms: fixed, unchanging, objective and discernible through logical reasoning without the use of any evidence.[51] On the account of Misesian economist Hans-Hermann Hoppe, eschewing the scientific method and empirical evidence distinguishes the Misesian approach "from all other current economic schools". Mark Skousen of Chapman University and the Foundation for Economic Education, a critic of mainstream economics,[52] praises Rothbard as brilliant, his writing style Lew rockwell bitcoin mining, his economic arguments nuanced and logically rigorous and his Misesian methodology sound.[53] However, citing Rothbard's absence of academic publications, Skousen concedes that Rothbard was effectively "outside the discipline" of mainstream economics and that his work "fell on deaf ears" outside his ideological circles. Paralleling Skousen's remarks, Hoppe laments the fact that all non-Misesian economists dismiss as "dogmatic and unscientific" the Misesian approach, which both he and Rothbard embraced.

Rothbard wrote extensively on Austrian business cycle theory and as part of this approach strongly opposed central banking, fiat money and fractional-reserve banking and advocated a gold standard and a 100% reserve requirement for banks.[19](pp89–94, 96–97)[38][54][55]

Polemics against mainstream Lew rockwell bitcoin mining authored a series of scathing polemics against modern mainstream economics. He was critical of Adam Smith, calling him a "shameless plagiarist" who set economics off-track, ultimately leading to the rise of Marxism. Instead, Rothbard praised Smith's contemporaries' works, including Richard Cantillon, Anne Robert Jacques Turgot and Étienne Bonnot de Condillac for developing the subjective theory of value. In response to Rothbard's charge that Smith's The Wealth of Nations was Lew rockwell bitcoin mining plagiarized, David D. Friedman castigated Rothbard's scholarship and character, saying that he "was [either] deliberately dishonest or never really read the book he was criticizing".[56] Tony Endres called Rothbard's treatment of Adam Smith a "travesty".[57]

Rothbard was equally scathing in his criticism of Lew rockwell bitcoin mining Maynard Keynes,[58] labeling Keynes weak on economic theory and a shallow political opportunist. Rothbard also wrote more generally that Keynesian-style governmental regulation of money and credit created a "dismal monetary and banking situation". He demeaned John Stuart Mill as a Lew rockwell bitcoin mining man of mush" and speculated that Mill's "soft" personality led his economic thought astray.[59]

Rothbard was critical of monetarist economist Milton Friedman. In a polemic entitled "Milton Friedman Unraveled", he maligned Friedman as a "statist", a "favorite of the establishment", a friend of and "apologist" for Richard Nixon and a "pernicious influence" on public policy.[60][61] Rothbard said that libertarians should scorn rather than celebrate Friedman's academic prestige and political influence. Noting that Rothbard has "been nasty to me and my work", Friedman responded to Rothbard's criticism by calling him a "cult builder and a dogmatist".[62]

In a memorial volume published by Lew rockwell bitcoin mining Mises Institute, Rothbard's protégé and libertarian theorist Hans-Hermann Hoppe wrote that the work Man, Economy, and Lew rockwell bitcoin mining "presented a blistering refutation of all variants of mathematical economics" and included it among Rothbard's "almost mind-boggling achievements". Hoppe lamented that like his own mentor Ludwig von Mises, Rothbard died without winning the Nobel Prize that Hoppe says Rothbard deserved "twice over". Although Hoppe acknowledged that Rothbard and his work were largely ignored by academia, he called Rothbard an "intellectual giant" comparable to Aristotle, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant.[63]

Reception of Rothbard's work[edit]

Although he self-identified as an Austrian economist, Rothbard's methodology was at odds with that of many other Austrians. In 1956, Rothbard deprecated the views of Austrian economist Fritz Machlup, stating that Machlup was no praxeologist and calling him instead a "positivist" who failed to represent the views of Ludwig von Mises. Rothbard stated that in fact Machlup shared the opposing positivist view associated with economist Milton Friedman.[64] Mises and Machlup had been colleagues in 1920s Vienna before each relocated to the United States and Lew rockwell bitcoin mining later urged his American protege Israel Kirzner to pursue his PhD studies with Machlup at Johns Hopkins University.[65]

According to libertarian economists Tyler Cowen and Richard Fink,[66] Rothbard wrote that the term evenly rotating economy (ERE) can be used to analyze complexity in a world of change. The words ERE had been introduced by Mises as an alternative nomenclature for the mainstream economic method of static equilibrium and general equilibrium analysis. Cowen and Fink found "serious inconsistencies in both the nature of the ERE and its suggested uses". With the sole exception of Rothbard, no other economist adopted Mises' term and the concept continued to be called "equilibrium analysis".[67]

In a 2011 article critical of Rothbard's "reflexive opposition" to inflation, The Economist noted that his views are increasingly gaining influence among politicians and laypeople on the right. The article contrasted Rothbard's categorical rejection of inflationary policies with the monetary views of "sophisticated Austrian-school monetary economists such as George Selgin and Larry White", [who] follow Hayek in treating stability Lew rockwell bitcoin mining nominal spending as a monetary ideal—a position "not all that different from Mr [Scott] Sumner's".[68]

According to economist Peter Boettke, Rothbard Lew rockwell bitcoin mining better described as a Lew rockwell bitcoin mining rights economist than as an Austrian economist. In 1988, Boettke noted that Rothbard "vehemently attacked all of the books of the younger Austrians".[69]


Although Rothbard adopted Ludwig von Mises' deductive methodology for his social theory Lew rockwell bitcoin mining economics,[70] he parted with Mises on the question of ethics. Specifically, he rejected Mises conviction that ethical values remain subjective and opposed utilitarianism in favor of principle-based, natural law reasoning. In defense of his free market views, Mises employed utilitarian economic arguments aimed at demonstrating that interventionist policies made all of society worse off. On the other hand, Rothbard concluded that interventionist policies do in fact benefit some people, including certain government employees and beneficiaries of social programs. Therefore, unlike Mises, Rothbard argued for an objective, natural law basis for the free market.[30](pp87–89) He called this principle "self-ownership", Lew rockwell bitcoin mining basing the idea on the writings of John Locke[71] and also borrowing concepts from classical liberalism and the anti-imperialism of the Old Right.[11](p134)

Rothbard accepted the labor theory of property, but rejected the Lockean proviso, arguing that if an individual mixes his labor with unowned land then he becomes the proper owner eternally and that after that time it is private property which may change hands only by trade or gift.[72]

Rothbard was a strong critic of egalitarianism. The title essay of Rothbard's 1974 book Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays held: "Equality is not in the natural order of things, and the crusade to make everyone equal in every respect (except before the law) is certain to have disastrous consequences".[73] In it, Rothbard wrote: "At the heart of the egalitarian left is the pathological belief that there is no structure of reality; that all the world is a tabula rasa that can be changed at any moment in any desired direction by the mere exercise of human Lew rockwell bitcoin mining Chomsky critiqued Rothbard's ideal society as "a world so full of hate that no human being would want to live in it . First of all, it couldn't function for a second—and if it could, all you'd want to do is get out, or commit suicide or Lew rockwell bitcoin mining src="https://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/72/Murray_Rothbard. jpg/170px-Murray_Rothbard. jpg">Rothbard in the mid-1950sRothbard with his wife Joey

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Now that you already know about the best Bitcoin Lew rockwell bitcoin mining hardware, we’re going to talk about Bitcoin mining software.

What is Bitcoin Mining Software?

Bitcoin mining hardware handles the actual Bitcoin mining process, but:

Bitcoin mining software is equally as important.

    If you are a solo miner: the mining software connects your Bitcoin miner to the blockchain.If you mine with a pool: the software will connect you to your mining pool.If you are cloud mining: you do not need mining software.

Importance of Bitcoin Mining Software

The main job of Lew rockwell bitcoin mining software is to deliver the mining hardware’s work to the rest Lew rockwell bitcoin mining the Bitcoin network and to receive the completed work from other miners on the network.

Bitcoin mining software monitors this input and output of your miner while also displaying statistics such as the speed of your miner, hashrate, fan speed and the temperature.

Bitcoin Wallets

One of the most important things you will need before using any kind of Bitcoin mining software is a wallet.


This is because all Bitcoin mining software will ask you for a Bitcoin address that will be used to send your mining rewards and payouts. Once you create or download a wallet you will be able to get a Bitcoin address from your wallet.

There are many Bitcoin wallets, but these are the ones we recommend if you are just starting out:

Now that we understand mining software and how it helps in the mining process, and you got your Bitcoin wallet and address, let’s look at different software Lew rockwell bitcoin mining different operating systems.

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As a Bitcoin miner, you may also want to look into getting a VPN.

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Learn About VPNs

Bitcoin Mining Software for Linux


Hashr8 is a new mining software company. It’s mining software made by miners, for miners.

To combat the inefficiencies of other mining systems, Hashr8 constantly monitors the performance of your rig and automatically restarts it when there’s an error.

It also comes with a handy mobile app that notifies you of any changes and allows you to control your mining system remotely when you’re on the go.

Learn About Hashr8

Hive OS

Hive OS is a dashboard which allows miners to monitor and control all of their ASICs and GPUs from one centralized location.

Hive OS supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bcash, Monero and many other coins.

Lew rockwell bitcoin mining About Hive OS

Bitcoin Mining Software for Windows

Hive OS

Hive OS is a dashboard which allows miners to monitor and control all of their ASICs and GPUs from one centralized location.

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Learn About Hive OS

Bitcoin Mining Software for Mac OS X

Hive OS

Hive OS is a dashboard which allows miners to monitor and control all of their ASICs and GPUs from one centralized location.

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Bitcoin Mining, Explained

Best Bitcoin Mining Software: An In-Depth Look at the Top Choices

Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency and also the oldest, in the early days it was completely possible to mine it using your home computer and there were many early adopters of bitcoin who mined it using simple hardware – it was even possible to mine using your laptop CPU. Things then moved on to using GPUs Bitcoin mining software for pc the difficulty increased.

Nowadays it it not worth mining on a home computer at all, you will need specialized mining hardware known as ASICs to even begin to compete, even then it may not be possible to be profitable unless you have access to cheap energy to power the hungry devices.

We will be looking at the available options in our next guide, but first we need to see what Software is available to you.

In this tutorial we will cover everything you need to know about the software you can use to start mining bitcoin. We cover all the top options along with a section on cloud-mining. It should also be noted that if you choose to cloud mine, you will make probably earn less, compared to if you purchase the hardware and mine yourself but this also comes with smaller starting costs.

Bitcoin Mining Software


For this guide I have ranked the more popular and more extensive bitcoin mining software towards the top, and the least popular and feature friendly towards the bottom.


CGMiner is probably the most popular and extensive bitcoin mining software. It works for mainly FPGA’s and ASICs but downloading an older version (below 3.7.2) of it will allow you to use it for GPU mining as well. It was written in C to be fast and efficient and works for all three major OS (Windows, Linux and even Mac).

It has a ton of features including config files, logging, monitoring as well as overclocking capabilities and API monitoring. It also lets you use a number of different proxy methods for mining.

It also allows you to mine using a pool, as well as solo mine. It supports most of the Bitcoin ASIC miners as well.

The more advanced area of the Bitcoin mining software for pc is its control on the hardware. It lets you change numerous settings in the ASIC or FPGA machine such as voltages and other features.

What I like about this software is the commands are specific for you mining machine. So for example to set the bitmain S2 or S3 voltage the command for that is –bitmain-voltage.

There are a lot more features for fine tuning with ASICs and FPGA’s. Make sure to read the readme at github since there is probably over 10 pages of information about how to use this mining software. The readme also includes frequently asked questions towards the end as well.



BFGMiner is a fork of CGminer and adds some unique and advanced features. The main difference between these miners, is the fact that BFGMiner uses the newer getblocktemplate vs the older getwork template.

It is basically a decentralization change, as before blocks were being created by the pool, and now they are being created by the miner. You can read more about those at the bitcoin wiki and decide which one you would rather use.

The miner also Bitcoin mining software for pc the ability to Bitcoin mining software for pc a separate GUI that only works with this particular piece of mining software.



We have covered CCMiner a few times for different articles. CCMiner is definitely one of my favorite NVIDIA GPU mining softwares. One of the reasons for that is because their is currently three different forks of CCMiner, and I feel like that bring a lot of competition, as well as progress and code checks, to make a very efficient and feature rich mining software.

CCMiner has been in active development for about 6 years now, going under the name of cudaminer in the earlier days of bitcoin, so the software has been trusted in the bitcoin mining industry for quite some time now.

It is also amazing how the software has actively held up and in some cases is the fastest miner for some particular coins that you can mine. The other thing I like about CCMiner is the fact that it can mine Bitcoin mining software for pc every type Bitcoin mining software for pc cryptocurrency mining algorithm.

It is basically a one stop miner for anyone that has an NVIDIA GPU, since it also supports Windows and Linux operating systems.



GUIMiner is a graphical frontend for mining Bitcoin, providing a convenient way to operate Bitcoin miners from a graphical interface. It supports both Bitcoin mining software for pc and NVIDIA GPUs, as well as CPU mining.

You can choose between Bitcoin mining software for pc mining and solo mining – the software embeds a list of mining pools to choose from.


Multi Miner

MultiMiner is a desktop application for crypto-coin mining and monitoring on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. MultiMiner simplifies switching individual devices (GPUs, ASICs, FPGAs) between crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Litecoin.

MultiMiner uses the underlying mining engine (BFGMiner) to detect available mining hardware and then presents an intuitive screen for choosing the coins you’d like to mine.

Multi Miner


CPUMiner is a very simple CPU mining software. What I like about this software is the fact that it is very simple to use and Bitcoin mining software for pc great for getting started into learning about mining in general and mining bitcoin, you can use it to learn about mining in general but you shouldn’t expect to earn anything from it.

It works with Windows, Linux and Mac and you can use it mine Bitcoin or Litecoin. This was one of the original bitcoin mining software, and is where CGMiner forked from CPU Bitcoin mining software for pc Miner


EasyMiner is an open source GUI miner that works with CGMiner, minerd, or Bitcoin mining software for pc (now ccminer). It is not a standalone miner, but more of a GUI for one of the miners that you have installed on your computer.

It provides an easy to use GUI for any of those three bitcoin mining softwares listed above. You will first have to download and setup one of the mining softwares listed Bitcoin mining software for pc, and then you can download the GUI for it to work.

Easy Miner


Poclbm-mod is a very efficient open source python miner for the openCL (AMD) platforms. It uses the getwork protocol for mining.

What is interesting about this software, is the fact that it does come with a GUI and a CLI build, so you can use whichever version you are more comfortable using. The software works with Windows and Linux.


Cloud Mining

Cloud mining Bitcoin mining software for pc a very unique way of mining bitcoin. You basically purchase a contract for a fixed amount of hashes per second and for a fixed amount of time, from a cloud mining company. You then let the company mine for you and they pay you the rewards usually once per day.

There are many benefits to using cloud mining for bitcoin. For one you will not have to deal with the complicated setups of the hardware and the software for mining bitcoin. You will also not have to deal with the increased electricity usage if your using a cloud mining contract.

This could be a very big deal for people who live in high priced electricity areas. Also the extra heat and noise may be a concern for some people as well.

There are also a lot of disadvantages as well. One disadvantage of cloud mining would be the fact that you don’t get complete control over the hardware to overclock it or learn about the process of bitcoin mining.

Another big concern is the fact that it seems to be harder to get a higher ROI on cloud mining, then regular mining.

Another important concern associated with cloud mining is the fact that some cloud mining websites, don’t actually have any mining equipment, and they are nothing but a ponzi scheme.

Another concern that I have noticed is that you can’t turn off your contract so to speak. What I mean by this is when you purchase a normal miner, you have complete control over it since it is running in your own home.

Some machines allow for overclocking as well, so you can get even more performance out of your machine, and with cloud mining you can not do that. Right now with the bitcoin USD price being so low, where getting to Bitcoin mining software for pc point where in some areas you may actually lose money mining bitcoin right now, due to the electricity cost.

When your Bitcoin mining software for pc mining your Bitcoin mining software for pc a fixed hashrate for a fixed amount of time, so if you have a day where the profits are negative you just don’t get paid anything for that day. You can’t pause the contract so to speak, so this is another reason why cloud mining is a little bit more risky.

Their is also the fact that why are they selling you the cloud mining contract? Wouldn’t it be more profitable for them to keep the hardware mining for themselves? The answer is yes, but there are a few reasons for them doing this.

The main reason is because they want to expand their business and want to buy more hardware quicker. They can sell you a contract and get the mining money up front so to speak, to be able to expand their business.

Due note though, that they do sell contracts at a price where they will still make money from mining, so it is generally more profitable if you were to buy the hardware and mine bitcoin yourself.

Their is also the fact that cloud mining may not be as fun as mining with actual hardware, so if you think you will get some enjoyment out of mining, you may want to think about this as well.

For cloud mining, it is important to pick a well established company that has been around for a few years, or is associated with another established company, to minimize your risk.

Nice Hash

NiceHash is great for newcomers who want to dip their toes into the mining scene. It allows anyone to use their computer to mine cryptocurrency with its Bitcoin mining software for pc and/or CPU. With its simple to use software and quick setup, anyone can setup a NiceHash miner in just a few minutes.

NiceHash also sell cloud mining contracts for Bitcoin, ZCash and Ethereum so you can simply purchase the amount of hash power you require.


Genesis Mining

One of the best cloud mining companies I have found is Genesis Mining. They have many different options and sizes of contracts to choose from and have been around for about 5 years now.

They even have contracts where you can split the percentages of you power into different coins at the same time, and you can change them day to day. They are regarded as the best option for cloud mining in the general community and I would have to agree with those statements.

Genesis Mining


Hashnest is a company that is owned by Bitmain, which is the biggest ASIC miner manufacturer.

They also offer a few different mining contracts to choose from.


Bitcoin. com

Another source to check out if you want to cloud mine bitcoin is pool. bitcoin. com. They offer bitcoin and bitcoin cash mining contracts. They seem to have more entry level options to choose from for their bitcoin mining contracts.

Bitcoin. com Mining Pool


Overall there are many different options you have, when it comes to bitcoin mining.

You can choose between cloud or hardware based mining. There are many short and long time period cloud mining contracts, for prices that would fit a wide variety of budgets. If you choose hardware based, their are a lot of different bitcoin mining software, each having their own unique and important features.

Regardless of Bitcoin mining software for pc options you choose to mine bitcoins, for a lot of people bitcoin mining is an enjoyable adventure and comes with hopes of getting your initial investment back as well!


AuthorZach Hildreth

I am a developer who programs websites, games, software and is knowledgeable about cyber security. I have been a cryptocurrency investor, since 2013, and have been interested in cryptocurrency mining, trading and writing since 2016. Contact Zach@blockonomi. com

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Mining includes the use of special equipment (e. g., GPU, ASIC, FPGA), which uses computing power and software applications for controlling mining devices.

In our review, we present the most popular mining programs of 2019. You will be able to independently mine cryptocurrency on a PC running either Windows or Mac OS. We will talk about the pros and cons of each program Bitcoin mining software for pc help you make the right choice. Explore the world of crypto miners together with Changelly!

The State of Bitcoin Mining

Cryptocurrency mining is the process of solving blocks by using the capacities of minnig equipment. For each solution found, the softawre (miner) receives a reward in the form Bitcoin mining software for pc coins. Specialized equipment includes ASICs, GPU, and CPU (the latter is the least profitable). 

Mining crypto is less risky than making a direct investment due to hedging volatility. It makes better sense to buy equipment yesterday, but it is still a good idea to buy it today or tomorrow. After halving, the profits from currently relevant equipment will fall by half. So, you need to make your own calculations and decide whether to start now or wait for the new generation of mining equipment. Investors show interest in Bitcoin, and more and more people start believing that it is possible for it to grow, so mining is both relevant now Bitcoin mining software for pc still fkr be after halving. 

However, cryptocurrency halving does have the potential to drastically change the situation. Therefore, it is necessary to assess all the risks associated with it before purchasing the necessary equipment. After all, it may turn out that in May 2020 all equipment will become obsolete and will not have the time to pay itself off. 

Best Bitcoin Miners

We made a selection of the best bitcoin miners for you to choose from. The miners vary in device (ASIC/CPU/GPU) compatibility and supported platforms. 


This application has been working successfully for several years now and is only getting better with each update. It has the widest range of features and an active community, which makes it indispensable for both beginners and professionals.

CGMiner is a cross-platform Bitcoin miner that works Bitcoin mining software for pc Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other operating systems. It is compatible with FPGA and ASIC firmware. It has a command-line interface, providing full monitoring, fan speed control, and remote control capabilities. CGM comes with a nining network scheduler.

More advanced users will enjoy the open-source code, the possibility of hardware overclocking, and the automatic detection of new blocks using the built-in database.


Easy Miner developers tried to create the most beautiful graphical interface possible and to unify wide variety of Bitcoin mining software for pc for cryptocurrency mining. Bitcoin, Doftware, and many other major cryptocurrencies based on the SHA-256 and Scrypt algorithms are available. Regular mining, cudamining, ccmining, cgmining and mining using ASIC bitcoib all available to choose from in the settings.

In solo mode, users can select any pool and hash algorithm. Please note that there bitcoij also the integration of the NHIL (Network Hardware ID Layer) protocol, which provides an additional bitcoih of protection for the pool and the wallet.

The main drawback of EasyMiner is that it only works on Windows.


MultiMiner is a cryptocurrency mining program with a convenient interface. Miners use this program to create strategies for switching crypto mining devices between coins (GPUs, ASICs, FPGAs). By installing the utility, a novice user is freed from not only having to create an executable file manually but also from having to Bitcoin mining software for pc for profitable altcoins and pools for mining.

The software has other online services integrated into it, so data on profitability is always up-to-date. To make monitoring easier, you can Bitcoin mining software for pc the MobileMiner Android application on your smartphone.


BFGMiner is a console mining application that maximizes the potential of the equipment. Bjtcoin the BFGminer program, configuration is executed Bitcoin mining software for pc entering the program code into the control file. After entering variable values following the BFGminer pool settings, all you need to do is save the. bat file and start the mining process.

The latest versions of BFGminer are designed Bitcoin mining software for pc work primarily with ASIC/FPGA devices. Run the parameter opencl: auto to start mining on video cards.


NiceHash is a Bitcoin mining software for pc program that allows you to use processors and video cards as computing equipment. The service will enable you to mine cryptocurrencies using 30 different algorithms. Please note that all charges are automatically converted to BTC.

The program will require authorization immediately after installation. You should register on the NiceHash website before using the software.

GUI Miner

GUI Miner is a useful and popular tool that has a graphical interface designed for the convenience of its users. It allows you to mine Bitcoin mining software for pc on any device and supports both solo mining and connection to pools.

The window displays production statistics, the total production rate, and the number of blocks mined. GUI Miner is only compatible with Windows. It allows you Bitcoin mining software for pc configure auto-connection, which runs in the background and displays the current balance of coins mined.


DiabloMiner is another Bitcoin mining program. It shows excellent results on high fr GPU equipment. This software is designed primarily for experienced miners, as it has a console client, without the ability to connect to third-party graphical interfaces. It supports 79+ and 8 and higher series NVIDIA graphics cards. 

Miners for PC 

Think about which program suits you best. You can instantly download any BTC or altcoin miners by clicking its name in the table below. 

Mobile Miners for Android & iOS

It’s impossible to mine Bitcoin on mobile phones due to the fact that there is not enough power. It is not profitable to mine cryptocurrency on mobile devices, and there is always the risk that the device will break. However, you can still earn some altcoins using the following apps:

Quarry is a platform for earning cryptographic tokens on an Android phone Bitcoin mining software for pc participating in referral programs. The application has a built-in wallet, as well as technical support. The platform also has its own Bitconi token, which is traded on HitBTC.CryptoGalaxy is a blockchain galaxy simulator where real digital resources are mined on virtual planets. The game is popular with users from all over the world. The app is available for both iOS and Android. Aircoins is an action game where you can find and trade crypto on your smartphone. Developers present this project as a new round in the evolution of blockchain technology, designed mijing combine both the gaming and the softwxre sectors on one platform. Available for iOS and Android.MobileMiner is a utility that allows you to start mining on an iOS device. You can run the mininb without jailbreak. Just install MobileMiner on your iPhone, and then create a configuration to mine one of the available cryptocurrencies (BTC, XMR, LTC, ETH, ETN). The app can run in the background. The software automatically resets the timer for the end Bitcoin mining software for pc the working time. Available on GitHub. 

Altcoin Mining Software

If you find Bitcoin mining too competitive and not profitable enough, you can choose one of the many other coins. The most popular altcoins to mine are Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, and Monero. 

Claymore’s Dual Miner

Claymore’s Dual Miner was created for altcoins based on the Dagger Hashimoto (Ethash) algorithm. It is possible to simultaneously mine Ethereum and any of the six algorithms: Decred, Siacoin, Lbry, Pascal, Blake2s, Keccak, with almost no loss of hashrate on Ether. Claymore has options available for Equihash and Cryptonight. 

Claymore was the first program to implement the dual mining feature, in which one piece of equipment can mine using several algorithms at once. The software is designed for mining on video cards. It supports simultaneous mining on AMD and NVIDIA.

This mining program is not entirely free: each hour, for two minutes, the utility automatically switches to mining in the developer’s wallet. The graphical shell looks like a command line. Key parameters are highlighted in color, which makes the interface intuitive even for a beginner. The miner is configured by changing the. bat file.


The MinerGate service is a platform for combined cryptocurrency mining. The platform has added support not only for Bitcoin, but also for a large number of softwage, including, but not limited to Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Zcash, Dash, Monero, Bytecoin, FantomCoin, QuazarCoin, Aeon coin, MonetaVerde.

The user has to register on the official website, using Bitcoin mining software for pc email address and creating a password. You should download the necessary program only after the registration is complete for the software to work. The site provides a list of all current versions, from which the user can choose the one most suitable.


PhoenixMiner is similar to Claymore but is faster on the Ethash algorithm (ETH, ETC, Muiscoin, EXP, UBQ, etc.). The program supports AMD and Nvidia video cards. It works on both Windows x64 and Linux x64. The software has a developer commission fee of 0.65% – for every 90 minutes 35 seconds are spent mining in a developer’s wallet. (this cannot be turned off).

The program greatly depends on pcc cards and other equipment, and the developer notifies about this in the instruction. You can download the program on the official branch on the Bitcointalk website.


EthMiner is a utility created specifically for Ethereum. It works with the green and red rule graphics accelerators. The creation of fof program was motivated by the desire of miners to have adequate profitability for GPU ether mining. 

EthMiner’s configuration does not differ from any other programs’ ones. Work parameters are set by editing Bitcoin mining software for pc .bat file. You can mine all altcoins running on Ethash, not just ETH. Download EthMiner on Bitcoin mining software for pc GitHub website.

Beware of Malware Mining Software

Cryptomining malware are software programs and components developed to take over the computer’s resources and use them for crypto mining without a user’s explicit permission. It isn’t only desktop software that can be hijacked, but also mobile and tablet applications.

One of the most infamous apps of this kind is Loapi. Its initial purpose is to use the Android processor to mine cryptocurrency. However, at the same time, it also destroys the device. 

Buy or Mine Bitcoins?

The profitability of mining on a home computer is directly proportional to its processing Bitcoin mining software for pc. A few years ago, when cryptocurrencies did not have the same popularity they do now, coin mining could be done on almost any device. These days, everything has changed. Both the number of miners and mining difficulty have grown significantly. Even mining on a laptop is now completely unprofitable unless you are using an external processor.

If you buy a powerful computer, its cost, as well as the electricity bills will be paid off, but it will take a long while. From a technical point of view, you can mine on a computer, but due to the high complexity of the mining network, the equipment will not be able to provide you with a result you expect.

You can always buy Bitcoin instantly and without verification on Changelly! Buy BTC with USD, EURO or GBP online within minutes. Fro cards accepted.

Disclaimer: This article should not be considered as offering trading recommendations. The cryptocurrency market suffers from high volatility and occasional arbitrary movements.  Any investor should research multiple viewpoints and be familiar with all local regulations before committing to an investment.

About Changelly

Changelly is a secure instant crypto exchange that has 150+ cryptocurrencies available to be Bitcoin mining software for pc and bought at market-best rates. Operating since 2015, the platform and its mobile application attract over a million visitors monthly, who all enjoy quick and simple exchanges, low transparent fees, sotware 24/7 live support.

Bitcoin Mining, Explained

Mining includes the use of special equipment (e. g., GPU, ASIC, FPGA), which uses computing power and software applications for controlling mining devices.

In our review, we present the most popular mining programs of 2019. You will be able to independently mine cryptocurrency on a PC running either Windows or Mac OS. We will talk about the pros and cons of each program to help you make the imning choice. Explore the world of crypto miners together with Changelly!

The State of Bitcoin Mining

Cryptocurrency mining is the process of solving blocks by using the capacities of special equipment. For each solution found, the user (miner) receives a reward in the form of coins. Specialized equipment includes ASICs, GPU, and CPU (the latter is the least profitable). 

Mining crypto is less risky than making a direct investment due to hedging volatility. It makes better sense to buy equipment yesterday, but it is still a good idea to buy it today or tomorrow. After halving, the profits from currently relevant equipment will Bitcoin mining software for pc by half. So, you need to make your own calculations and decide whether to start now or wait for the new generation of mining equipment. Investors show interest in Bitcoin, and more and more people start believing that it is possible for it to grow, so mining is both relevant now and still will be after halving. 

However, cryptocurrency halving does have the potential to drastically change the situation. Therefore, it is necessary to assess all the risks associated with it before purchasing the necessary equipment. After all, it may turn out that in May 2020 all equipment will become obsolete and will not have the time to pay itself off. 

Best Bitcoin Miners

We made a selection of the best bitcoin miners for you to choose from. The miners vary in device (ASIC/CPU/GPU) compatibility and supported platforms. 


This application has been working successfully for several years now and is only getting better with each update. It has the widest range of features and an active community, which makes it indispensable for both beginners and professionals.

CGMiner is a cross-platform Bitcoin miner that works with Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other operating systems. It is compatible with FPGA and ASIC firmware. It has a command-line interface, providing full monitoring, softtware speed control, and remote control capabilities. CGM comes with a scalable network scheduler.

More advanced users will mininng the open-source code, the possibility of hardware overclocking, and the automatic detection of new blocks using the built-in database.


Easy Miner developers tried to create the most beautiful graphical interface possible and to unify wide variety of settings for cryptocurrency mining. Bitcoin, Litecoin, and many other major cryptocurrencies Bitcoin mining software for pc on the SHA-256 and Scrypt algorithms are available. Regular mining, cudamining, ccmining, cgmining and mining using ASIC are all available to choose from in the settings.

In solo mode, users can select any pool and hash algorithm. Please note that there is also the integration of the NHIL (Network Hardware ID Layer) protocol, which provides an additional level of protection for the pool and the wallet.

The main drawback of EasyMiner is that it only works on Windows.


MultiMiner is bitcon cryptocurrency mining program with a convenient interface. Miners use this program to create strategies for switching crypto mining devices between coins (GPUs, ASICs, FPGAs). By installing the utility, a novice user is freed from not only having Bitcoin mining software for pc create an executable file manually but also from having to look for profitable altcoins and pools for mining.

The software has other online services integrated into it, so data on profitability is always up-to-date. To make monitoring easier, you can install the MobileMiner Android application on your smartphone.


BFGMiner is a console mining application that maximizes the potential of the equipment. In the BFGminer miming, configuration is executed by entering the program code into the control file. After entering variable values following the BFGminer pool settings, all you need to do is save the. bat file and start the mining process.

The latest versions of BFGminer are designed to work primarily with ASIC/FPGA devices. Run the parameter opencl: auto to start mining on video cards.


NiceHash is a multipurpose program that allows you to use processors and video cards as computing equipment. The service will enable you to mine cryptocurrencies using 30 different algorithms. Please note Bitcoin mining software for pc all charges are automatically converted to BTC.

The program will require authorization immediately after installation. You should register on woftware NiceHash website before using the software.

GUI Miner

GUI Miner is a useful and popular Bitcoin mining software for pc that has a graphical interface designed for the convenience of its users. It allows you to mine Bitcoin mining software for pc on any bictoin and supports both solo mining and connection to pools.

The window displays production statistics, the total production rate, and the number of blocks mined. GUI Miner is only compatible with Windows. It allows you to configure auto-connection, which runs in the background and displays the current balance of coins mined.


DiabloMiner is another Bitcoin mining program. It shows excellent results on high power GPU equipment. This software is designed primarily for experienced miners, as it has a console client, without the bitdoin to connect to third-party graphical interfaces. It supports 79+ and 8 and higher series NVIDIA graphics cards. 

Miners for PC 

Think about which program suits you best. You can instantly download any BTC or altcoin miners by clicking Bitcoin mining software for pc name in the Bitcoin mining software for pc below. 

Mobile Miners for Android softsare iOS

It’s impossible to mine Bitcoin on mobile phones due to the fact that there is not enough power. It is not profitable to mine cryptocurrency on mobile devices, and there is always the risk that the device will break. However, you can still earn some altcoins using the following apps:

Quarry is Bitcoin mining software for pc platform for earning cryptographic tokens on an Android phone by participating in referral programs. The application has a built-in wallet, as well as technical support. The platform also has its own ROX token, which is traded on HitBTC.CryptoGalaxy is a blockchain galaxy simulator where real digital resources are mined on virtual planets. The game is popular bitclin Bitcoin mining software for pc from all bitcoih the world. The app is available for both iOS and Android. Aircoins is an action game where you can find and trade crypto on your smartphone. Developers present this project as a new round in the evolution of blockchain technology, designed to combine both the gaming and the cryptographic sectors on one platform. Available for iOS and Android.MobileMiner is a utility that allows you to start mining on an iOS device. You can run the miner without jailbreak. Just install MobileMiner Bitcoin mining software for pc your iPhone, and then create a configuration to mine one of the available cryptocurrencies (BTC, XMR, LTC, ETH, ETN). The app can run in the background. The software automatically resets the timer for the end of the working time. Available bitconi GitHub. 

Altcoin Mining Software

If you Bitcoin mining software for pc Bitcoin mining too competitive and not profitable enough, you can choose one of the many other coins. The most popular altcoins to mine are Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, Bitcoin mining software for pc Monero. 

Claymore’s Dual Miner

Claymore’s Dual Miner softwage created for altcoins based on the Dagger Hashimoto (Ethash) algorithm. It is possible to simultaneously mine Ethereum and any of the six algorithms: Decred, Siacoin, Lbry, Pascal, Blake2s, Keccak, with almost no loss of hashrate on Ether. Claymore has options available for Equihash and Cryptonight. 

Claymore was the first program to implement the dual mining feature, in which one piece of equipment can mine using several algorithms at once. The software is designed for mining on video cards. Minkng supports simultaneous mining Bitcoin mining software for pc AMD and NVIDIA.

This mining program is not entirely free: each hour, for two minutes, the utility automatically switches to mining in the developer’s wallet. The graphical shell looks like a miining line. Key parameters are highlighted in color, which makes the interface intuitive even for a beginner. The miner is configured by changing the. bat file.


The MinerGate service is a platform for combined cryptocurrency mining. The platform has added support not only for Bitcoin, but also for a large number of altcoins, including, but not limited to Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Zcash, Dash, Monero, Bytecoin, FantomCoin, QuazarCoin, Aeon coin, MonetaVerde.

The user has to register on the official website, using an email address and creating a password. You should download the necessary program only after the registration is complete for the software to work. The site provides a list of all current versions, from which the user can choose the one most suitable.


PhoenixMiner is similar to Claymore but is faster on the Ethash algorithm (ETH, ETC, Muiscoin, EXP, UBQ, etc.). The program supports AMD and Nvidia video cards. It works on both Windows x64 and Bitcoin mining software for pc x64. The software has a developer commission fee of 0.65% – for every 90 minutes 35 seconds are spent mining in a developer’s wallet. (this cannot be turned off).

The program greatly depends on video cards and other equipment, and the developer notifies about this in the instruction. You can download the program on the official branch on the Bitcointalk website.


EthMiner is a utility created specifically minijg Ethereum. It works with the green and red rule graphics accelerators. The creation of the program was motivated by the desire of miners to have adequate profitability for GPU ether mining. 

EthMiner’s configuration does not differ from any other programs’ Bitcoin mining software for pc. Work parameters are set by editing the. bat file. You can mine all altcoins running on Ethash, not just ETH. Download EthMiner on the GitHub website.

Beware of Malware Mining Software

Cryptomining malware are software programs and components developed to take over the computer’s resources and use them for crypto mining without a user’s explicit permission. It isn’t only desktop software that can be hijacked, but also mobile and tablet applications.

One of the most infamous apps of this kind is Loapi. Its initial purpose is to use the Android Bitcoin mining software for pc to mine cryptocurrency. However, at the same time, it also destroys the device. 

Buy or Mine Bitcoins?

The profitability of mining on a home computer is directly proportional to its processing power. Bitcoin mining software for pc few years ago, when cryptocurrencies did not have the same popularity they do now, coin mining could be done on almost any device. These days, everything has changed. Both the number of miners and Bitcoin mining software for pc difficulty have grown significantly. Even mining on a laptop is now completely unprofitable unless you are using an external processor.

If you buy a powerful computer, its cost, as well as the electricity bills will be paid off, but it will take a long while. From a technical point of view, you can mine on a computer, but due to the high complexity of the mining network, the equipment will not be able to provide you with a result you expect.

You can always buy Bitcoin instantly and without biycoin on Changelly! Buy BTC with USD, EURO or GBP online within minutes. Credit cards accepted.

Disclaimer: This article should not be considered as offering trading recommendations. The cryptocurrency Bitcoin mining software for pc suffers from high volatility and occasional arbitrary movements.  Any investor should research multiple viewpoints gitcoin be familiar with all local regulations before committing to an investment.

About Changelly

Changelly is a secure instant crypto exchange that has 150+ cryptocurrencies available to be swapped and bought at market-best rates. Operating since 2015, the platform and its mobile application attract over a million visitors monthly, who all enjoy quick and bitcon exchanges, low transparent fees, and 24/7 live support.

Bitcoin mining market share. Bitmain, Ebang, Canaan, MicroBT to Control Bitcoin Mining Market in 2020. Bitcoin mining equipment maker Ebang files for $100M US IPO - SiliconANGLE

Bitmain, Ebang, Canaan, and MicroBT to Cement Control over Bitcoin Mining Market in 2020

Bitmain, Ebang, Canaan, and MicroBT to Cement Control over Bitcoin Mining Market in 2020

Four firms are controlling the Bitcoin mining rigs production industry. The biggest gainer? Obviously Bitmain, but who else is in charge of the chip production?

TokenInsight has prepared a report Bitcoin mining market share that by the end of 2020, these four firms will take complete control over the Bitcoin mining market. Those are the Bitmain, Ebang, Canaan, and MicroBT. During 2020, the companies will eat out shxre percent more from the mining market’s cake. Now, they cumulatively control more than 95% of the network. By the end of 2020, 98% of the market will lie under the firms.

What will the miners do in such circumstances? They typically worry about centralization in the production of area-specific equipment (and code).

According to Johnson Xu, TokenInsight analyst, we can blame the network effect:

“The top four companies consistently have had strong market power in the past; going into the future, this strong market power will translate into the dominant positions of the top four companies.”

Considering Bitcoin mining market share they already have 95% under control, the total power seizure is probably only a matter of time. Johnson Xu sees no possibility that some other companies will enter the field to compete. Cryptocurrencies have many underwater rocks and bugs that can jump out of the blue. Indeed, you can lose Bitcoin mining market share the money or business thanks to a single weak line of code.

TokenInsight predicts that Bitmain will control suare of the market, while now they have 55-58%. Canaan’s share will increase to 18%, while now they control 10-15%. Bitmain receives such high marks because they have recently withdrawn from the AI development. Xu notes that Bitmain considers AI as a high cost and low profitability venture. Once they finish restructuring business and assets, the market share will grow bigger because they have established names.

Also, Xu thinks Canaan’s market share is about to increase thanks to the IPO that the firm held Bitcoin mining market share in 2019. As for MicroBT, they now have 20-25% of the Bitcoin mining market share, but TokenInsight predicts that they’ll lose positions down to having only around 10%. The issue is in the recent arrest of the company’s founder. As mxrket Ebang, they will keep control over the current 7% that they have.

Selling Mining Rigs Is a Harsh Job

When you try mafket sell mining rigs, you have to find special clients Bitcoin mining market share, convince them that you’re not a scammer, and establish relationships with them. It is a very hard task and people will have to put a ton of time into logistics and sharre and a support department to power Bitcoin mining market share sales. Bitmain already has all that, including the strong leader who can aim the company’s ship in different directions, not only follow the iceberg-magnetic market trends.

Back in the old days, there were only Bitmain (and markdt Bitfury) on the market. They were offering chips that exist. Since then, many of the firms took some of the Bitmain’s mining market share. However, Bitmain developed into the leading company in the industry, providing the best solutions for the best prices to people.

There are thousands of miners worldwide who wait, prey on and order equipment from China every time the company makes sell off party. However, the coronavirus effect may play bad jokes with Bitmain this year, as some of the key parts of the country locked down on quarantine.

Bitcoin News, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency news, NewsAuthor: Jeff Fawkes

Jeff Fawkes is a seasoned investment professional and a crypto analyst. He has a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing and is passionate when it comes to how technology impacts our society.

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Top Industry Verticals

Bitcoin miner maker MicroBT has rapidly expanded market share by selling over half a million units in 2019, chipping away at rival Bitmain’s dominance.

MicroBT sold about 600,000 units of its flagship WhatsMiner M20 Bitcoin mining market share last year, Vincent Zhang, sales head of the Shenzhen-based company, said in an online panel hosted by Chinese Bitcoin mining market share pool Poolin on Thursday in a WeChat group.

These products generate a computing power of about 60 terahashes per second (TH/s) on average, he said. That means the newly delivered 600,000 Bitcoin mining market share may have contributed over 30 exahashes (EH/s) of hashing power to the bitcoin network in 2019. (1 EH = Bitcoin mining market share million TH).

Related:Iran Concerns May Be Driving Trump Administration’s Talk of New Crypto Rules

Amid bitcoin’s price jump throughout 2019, the network’s two-week average computing power Bitcoin mining market share than doubled from just 40 EH/s around the end of 2018 to nearly 100 EH/s in December. That’d mean close to half of bitcoin’s Bitcoin mining market share power growth in 2019 may have come from equipment delivered by MicroBT.

Zhang didn’t specify the precise average unit price of these batches, as they could fluctuate depending on bitcoin’s price over the year. But the firm’s various Bitcoin mining market share in its M20 product line are generally priced between $24 to $30 per terahash, meaning the firm has brought home a high nine-figure revenue in U. S. dollars for 2019.

Bitcoin’s current computing power stands at 110 EH/s. That also means MicroBT may account for around Bitcoin mining market share percent of bitcoin mining power sold right now, making it one of the largest and fastest-growing miner makers in the world.

Situation in flux

Meanwhile, crypto research firm Coinshares estimated in a report on Dec. 12 that Bitmain’s dominance of sold bitcoin hash rate was about 65 percent at the time, already down from 75 percent in 2018.

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But this number may already be slightly outdated as bitcoin’s computing power has since then grown by yet another 20 percent, jumping from 92 EH/s in mid December to about 110 EH/s at the moment.

Hangzhou-based Canaan Creative, maker of the Avalon miner, which went public in the U. S. in November, estimated in its IPO filing that it accounted for around 20 percent of bitcoin computing power sold for Bitcoin mining market share first six months of 2019. The firm has yet to release its full-year results.

That said, Bitmain’s mining equipment still dominates the market, resulting from the successful sales of its AntMiner S7 from 2015 to 2016 and later its S9 model from 2017 to 2018.

According to Bitmain’s IPO filing in September 2018 in Hong Kong, the firm delivered about 500,000 bitcoin miners in 2015 and 2016, and further sold 3 million units from the beginning of 2017 to June 30, 2018, amid the crypto market’s bull run.

Halving looms

While S9s – with an average 14 TH/s computing power – are still the most widely used miners, they are facing an increasing risk of becoming obsolete as bitcoin’s halving event approaches in May, which will reduce bitcoin’s mining rewards from 12.5 bitcoin per block to 6.25.

CoinDesk reported earlier this month that mining farms have been procuring the latest and most powerful miners to expand their facilities or replace older models in preparation for the upcoming halving.

While Bitmain its latest AntMiner S17 series last year to rival MicroBT’s WhatsMiner M20 product line, the latter has significantly outrun Bitmain in terms of mass production and shipments.

The two firms are also racing to deliver even more powerful machines in 2020 ahead of the halving event, namely, the AntMiner S19 and WhatsMiner M30. That said, the actual production quantity of these products still largely depends on the supply of wafers from semiconductor companies such as Samsung or TSMC, which, according to Zhang, is “very limited.”

Coronavirus’ impact

Meanwhile, as the coronavirus outbreak in China delays manufacturing and logistics, bitcoin’s computing power growth has stagnated for the time being. In fact, data from mining pool BTC. com estimates that bitcoin’s mining power is poised to decrease by 1.78 percent in about eight days.

Zhang said in the WeChat group that MicroBT has resumed its production.

“Currently, part of the logistics has also gone back to work. … So now the supply of miners is not a big issue but not every mining farm is physically accessible,” he said.

“Large scale of investments may be affected because investors may not be able to do physical due diligence on facilities,” Zhang said.

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Bitcoin Mining Hardware Market

Global Bitcoin Mining Hardware Market: Drivers and Restraints

As the popularity of bitcoins is increasing, the demand for the hardware required for the mining process is also growing rapidly. A major factor driving the bitcoin mining hardware market is the fact that it is an essential tool for minors to mine bitcoins from the network and without it, minors will be unable to acquire bitcoins. Moreover, bitcoin mining hardware ensures security throughout bitcoin mining networks, which makes it difficult for hackers to attack, stop or alter the processes, and this is also boosting the demand for bitcoin mining hardware.

On the other hand, higher prices and lack of awareness regarding bitcoin mining in underdeveloped as well as developing countries are among the most significant factors hampering the growth of the bitcoin mining hardware market over the forecast period.

Segmentation based on type:

Bitcoin mining hardware is available in different types. The segmentation on the basis of types includes CPU/GPU, FPGA and ASIC.

Segmentation based on applications:

Bitcoin mining hardware is used for different applications. The segmentation on the basis of applications includes personal and enterprise level.

Segmentation based on region:

On the basis of region, the global bitcoin mining hardware market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the South East Asia and Others of Asia Pacific, Japan, China and Middle East & Africa.

Global Bitcoin Mining Hardware Market: Key Players

Examples of some of the key players in the global bitcoin mining hardware market include Ningbo Pntech New Energy Co., Ltd.; Shenzhen Tomax Technology Co., Limited; Shaoxing Shangyu Hoping Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.; Shenzhen Youyida Technology Co., Limited; Shanghai Foron Electrical Bitcoin mining market share Co., Ltd.; SOEYI Technology Limited; ITZR Technology Co. LTD and MeiZhou DingTai Circuit Board Co.,Ltd.

Global Bitcoin Mining Hardware Market: Evolution

With the rapidly changing requirements from industries as well as enterprises, the demand for more advanced hardware is increasing. Earlier, miners used CPU (Central Processing Unit) for mining, but it was not enough to mine effectively. Later, miners started using the GPU (Graphical Processing Unit) in computer graphic cards. Bitcoin mining market share main advantage Bitcoin mining market share the GPU was that it was able to perform the mining process with data hashing fifty to a hundred times Bitcoin mining market share. Moreover, GPU consumed less power. After this, miners started to use FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) processors by attaching them to computers through a USB Bitcoin mining market share. At present, owing to constant developments, miners are using ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) hardware, a modern bitcoin mining Bitcoin mining market share that helps perform the mining process at a higher speed as compared to traditional mining processes.

Global Bitcoin Mining Hardware Market: Region-Wise Outlook

North America holds a significant market share in terms of revenue generation from the sale of bitcoin mining hardware due to the rapid adoption of bitcoin mining hardware in this region by enterprises and personal users. In addition, European countries are increasingly demanding bitcoin mining hardware to improve the mining speed and experience. The SEA and Other APAC region is expected to grow at a high CAGR Bitcoin mining market share the forecast period due to increasing awareness about bitcoin mining and the availability of bitcoin mining hardware in this region, which is expected to boost the adoption of bitcoin mining hardware in the region. The MEA region is expected to grow at moderate CAGR due to the slow adoption of bitcoin mining hardware.

The research report Bitcoin mining market share a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as geographies, application, and industry.

The report covers exhaust analysis on:

    Market SegmentsMarket DynamicsMarket SizeSupply & DemandCurrent Trends/Issues/ChallengesCompetition & Companies involvedTechnologyValue Chain

Regional analysis includes:

    North America (U. S., Canada)Latin America (Mexico. Brazil)Western Europe (Germany, Italy, France, U. K, Spain)Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia)Asia Pacific (China, India, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand)JapanMiddle East and Africa (GCC Countries, S. Africa, Northern Africa)

The report is a compilation Bitcoin mining market share first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with market attractiveness as per segments. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies.

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Protocol Overview

Is it a matter Mining pools blockchain api utility, and if so, what exactly is that utility? If token was useful for selling coins that couldn’t be sold with RBTC alone.

This blockcnain has two sides as RIF is both a set Mining pools blockchain api protocol standards and a token. RIF OS (RSK Infrastructure Framework Open Standard) is a suite of open decentralized infrastructure protocols that relay on blockchain based smart contracts to enable faster, mkning and scalable development of distributed applications (dApps).

The initial protocols include Directory (a naming service protocol), Payments (an offchain payment protocol), Data (a data storage Mining pools blockchain api streaming protocol), Communications (a secure routing, session and encrypted communications protocol) and Gateways (an interoperability protocol that includes cross chain transfers and oracling services). The standards also define interfaces that can be implemented as APIs and libraries that abstract and simplify the use of decentralized infrastructure (both blockchain and Mining pools blockchain api for any developer even if they don’t know inner workings or low level functioning of decentralized protocols.

This suite of protocols aim to solve the major problems that stop decentralized blockchain networks (ie: Bitcoin, RSK, Ethereum, etc.) from reaching mass adoption. From our point of view, the two main impediments are sustainable scaling (onchain scaling is possible but leads to higher maintenance cost for validation nodes and therefore to centralization) and developer usability (it can take several months for developers to learn how to use the technology and even mastering the tech, it’s very inefficient to build decentralized apps for the lack of a higher level protocol and reusable components).

Following the guidelines of RIF Imning, a series of Mining pools blockchain api based P2P platforms are being built being RNS, an implementation of RIF Directory on RSK, the first to be launched. RIF Lumino, the first implementation of RIF Payments, is soon to be launched as well and bllockchain 2019, the first version of full stack will be available. Mining pools blockchain api Now let’s talk about the utility of the RIF token within the RIF OS ecosystem.

The first and obvious use is to access all the services provided miinng the RIF OS ecosystem. To comply with the RSK Infrastructure Framework, providers have to at least accept RIF tokens in exchange for their services. On top of that, certain protocols use RIF token as the collateral that all service providers need to stake in order to offer services on the RIF Marketplace. This is Mining pools blockchain api given the decentralized nature of these platforms, Mining pools blockchain api an embed insurance mechanism would be impossible to ensure quality of service to the end users. Additionally, on some protocols the ratio between the collateral and the amount of contracts a service provider has will be used to dynamically distribute new service contracts among registered providers. blockchxin

We also envision that in the not so distant future, other uses of the RIF token will arise surrounding the RIF marketplace. Two of the most relevant ones are the use of RIF token as collateral for the issuance of counterparty risk-free stable assets (ie: $RIFUSD, $RIFARS, etc) which can be used to denominate service prices in stable assets and the use of RIF token to settle transactions between RIF Payment Hubs without assets in common or sufficient liquidity.

We ppols RIF OS in the long term, as a unified Marketplace for off-chain infrastructure services that can be consumed by every major Smart Contract enabled crypto-economy so although the RIF Token was initially created on the RSK Network, in the future it will be portable to other platforms like Ethereum or EOS. This will create economies of scale and strengthen the antifragility of the Decentralized Ecosystem as a whole, bringing our vision Mining pools blockchain api the Internet of Value one step closer to realization.

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Blockcyain litecoins since October 21, 2011

New to Litecoin mining? Read Mining pools blockchain api Beginner's Guide!

Welcome to the first true pay-per-share (PPS) Litecoin pool. Some of our key features:

    Exclusive ultra-low-latency Stratum server implementation, written in CSupport for Stratum over TLS, to prevent MITM attacksMerged mining (AuxPoW) of several altcoins, paying out in litecoinsSupport for the resume extension to StratumAdaptive share difficulty (“vardiff”), with support for manual tuningNetwork of 8 geographically-distributed, redundant serversDetailed stats updated every few secondsEmail notification Mining pools blockchain api idle minersFee-free automatic and manual (instant) payoutsTwo-factor authentication supportWebsite and mining interface also accessible mibing Tor hidden servicesExtensive JSON API

The Mining pools blockchain api System

Every valid share you submit to this pool is instantly credited to your account at the current pay-per-share (PPS) rate. This rate, expressed in litecoins, also takes into account merged-mined coins such as Poops, resulting in higher payouts than a regular Litecoin pool. Thanks to merged mining, you have to pay no fee; in fact, your earnings may even be Mining pools blockchain api than with a 0-fee PPS system.

This is not a PPLNS, SMPPS or RBPPS pool: we always pay for your work, even if the pool has not yet solved Mining pools blockchain api blocks to cover the earnings generated. On other systems, miners are only rewarded when and if a block matures, but sometimes blocks get orphaned from the Litecoin network, and therefore yield no reward. A PPS pool, on the other hand, minign on the risk of bad luck so you don't have to deal with variance and orphaned blocks.

A Bit of History

LitecoinPool. org blockchani started shortly after the birth of Litecoin by Pooler, who is well known in the community as a member of the Litecoin core development team blockchxin for being the maintainer of the cpuminer software package. Since minlng very start, the pool used ad-hoc software: Pooler blockchaun the front end entirely from scratch, with security and efficiency in mind, while the mining back end was originally a heavily-modified version of Jeff Garzik's pushpool. After two weeks of intensive testing, on November 5, 2011 the pool hlockchain its doors to the public, becoming the first PPS pool for Litecoin. In April 2012 LitecoinPool. org also became the first pool to support variable-difficulty shares, a technique later dubbed “vardiff” by Bitcoin pools, allowing miners to drastically reduce their network bandwidth usage.

Thanks to its advanced features and its reliability, the pool quickly attracted a very high number of miners, to the point that during the first half of 2012 it often constituted over 40% of the Mining pools blockchain api Litecoin network. Due to centralization concerns, it was decided to temporarily close new registrations; later in 2012, registrations were reopened, but have since been subject to approval.

In August 2013 the back-end software was completely redesigned and rewritten from scratch to implement advanced efficiency and scalability optimizations that Pooler devised after implementing support for the Stratum protocol in cpuminer. This new implementation makes LitecoinPool. org the first Litecoin pool based entirely on software written from scratch, and the first pool blockchaij implement extensions to the Stratum protocol such as “resume”, “suggest_difficulty” and “suggest_target”.

In September 2014 LitecoinPool. org also became the first Litecoin pool to offer secure mining over TLS-encrypted Stratum connections, protecting miners from potential man-in-the-middle attacks.


We wish to thank all the people blockcuain have, directly or indirectly, contributed to the development of this pool. In particular, many thanks go to (in polos order): coblee, DeLorean731, Derringer, diki, g2x3k, Graet, guruvan, inlikeflynn, jgarzik, LittleDuke, piperitapatty, pontius, rTech, shawnp0wers, ssvb, terrytibbs, WKnight, Xurious.