Prof. Dr. med. Zenner, HNO, Tübingen
German Bank, Kraken Establish First Crypto-Currency Banking Platform
Munich-based Fidor Bank AG and bitcoin exchange Kraken have formed a partnership to establish a Fidor bank ag bitcoin mining bank for crypto-currencies.
The two partners plan to set up of the world’s first regulated, licensed financial services platform in the digital currency sector. They plan to pool products and services from various providers of digital bitciin and to offer a wide range of financial products and other services related to crypto-currencies.
Fidor Bank already has partnerships with Kraken, Ripple Labs, and Bitcoin. de. The initiative is looking for other interested partners, including various providers of virtual currencies, financing, technical solutions, and marketing understanding, to be aggregated into the crypto-currency bank.
Matthias Kröner, Fidor Bank CEO, commented:
The aim of this initiative is to establish a specialized banking platform for crypto-currencies. Products and services from various providers of virtual assets like bitcoin are to be bundled in a kind of crypto-currency-marketplace. We want to build a regulated and specialized banking home for entrepreneurs and retail mininh who are intrigued by the idea and vision of a virtual currency Fidor bank ag bitcoin mining. But this, we cannot and we will not do on our own.
Fidor Bank has indicated that it will provide the regulatory expertise, core banking platform, and licenses as well as the technical basis via its IT-service subsidiary Fidor TecS AG.
Kraken Fidor bank ag bitcoin mining contribute its technological capabilities in crypto-currencies safe storage, exchange and trading.
Fidor Bank and Kraken hope to, by December 2014, take first steps with selected partners to setting up the platform.
Jesse Powell, Kraken CEO, added:
We are extremely Fidor bank ag bitcoin mining about the opportunity to deepen our partnership with Fidor, to leverage the experience we’ve gained working together over the past year, and to benefit the broader crypto-currency community, industry and ecosystem. Miningg hope that in opening up our relationship and expanding our circle of trust, we’ll see the industry grow, regulators become more comfortable, and other banks thaw out.
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Germany's Fidor Bank Is First Fidor bank ag bitcoin mining to Use Ripple Network
Fidor Bank AG is the first bank to integrate the real-time global settlement protocol provided by Ripple Labs.
The German direct bank will adopt San Francisco-based Ripple's open-source, distributed payment protocol that enables bamk free instant payments in any currency, including dollars, yen, euros, Bitcoin and loyalty points. Ripple Labs also has its own virtual currency, called ripple.
"Ripple enables us to securely and instantly send money anywhere in the world at no additional cost and through the same bitcoim facing products and relationships bitcojn offer today," says Matthias Kroner, CEO of Fidor Bank AG, in Fidor bank ag bitcoin mining press release.
Fidor offers a combination of traditional and online banking services to private and corporate clients. It has a history of supporting virtual currency, and has worked with Payward Ltd. and Bitcoin Deutschland GmbH, both of which operate virtual currency exchanges. Payward's Kraken exchange also supports the ripple digital currency.
The bank will use Ripple to power inter-bank payments with other bak and intra-bank payments between branches, according to the release, at lower costs and settlement and foreign exchange risk.
Ripple is headed by CEO Chris Larsen, who has also held leadership roles at Prosper Marketplace and E-Loan.
The Weekly Hash - January 6 - 10 | Kraken Blog
Bitcoin. de – Exchange + Bank (Fidor Bank AG) made in Banm src="http://www. criptopolis. com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/bitcoin. de-fidorbank. png">
What is bitcoin. de?
Bitcoin. de is a trading platform for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, which enables their users to handle purchases and sales of cryptocurrencies directly and safely with each other.
After an early start in 2011, bitcoin. de quickly established itself as the market leader in Germany. Over 750,000 registered users (as of June 2018) trust in trading as well as in the storage of cryptocurrencies on bitcoin. de!
In Fidor bank ag bitcoin mining, bitcoin. de is the world’s only Bitcoin emporium with a direct interface Fidor bank ag bitcoin mining the classic banking system: A strategic partnership with Fidor Bank AG in Munich enables users to process payments for purchases and sales of crypto currencies directly via their own bank account.

Why bitcoin. de?
With a German headquarters (Bitcoin Deutschland AG) and a competent German-speaking customer service with response times under 24 hours, bitcoin. de is a reliable partner for trading cryptocurrencies.
High Fidor bank ag bitcoin mining standards such as the Fidor bank ag bitcoin mining procedure, optional 2-factor authentication to secure transactions and account access, as well as the possibility of PGP-encrypted e-mail communication create optimal conditions for the secure trading and custody of cryptocurrencies.
Over 98% of the cryptocurrency holdings we hold for our clients are stored in secure mihing wallets. The Bitcoin holdings we manage for our clients are also certified annually by a publicly accredited auditing company. All servers of bitcoin. de are located in secure and certified data centers in Germany, whereby our IT butcoin and processes are regularly reviewed by external security companies.
Thanks to our partnership with Fidor Bank AG from Munich, we can offer a direct link to their Fidor account with automated and fast payment processing for our users. For that matter you can generally purchase Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies in just a few moments.

Willkommen auf den Internetseiten der Bitcoin Group SE: https://www. bitcoingroup. com/ Fidor Bank: https://www. fidorbank. uk/about-fidor/group 
Your EUR capital used to trade cryptocurrencies will always remain in your personal bank account until the final purchase of a cryptocurrency and does not have to be transferred to an intermediate account of a stock exchange provider: Minong this respect, when trading on bitcoin. de you are not subject to the risk of insolvencyas it is the case with other providers.

Free account: bitcoin. de
Tagged Bank, Bitcoin, bitcoingroup, buy, Credit Card, Crypto, Cryptocurrency, Debit Card, Deutschland, Ethereum, Exchange, german, Investment, Mastercard, trading, Visa, wallet

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