Mine Bitcoins with Cgminer On Ubuntu
Vertcoin Nvidia Mining Guide
Mining is the act of verifying transactions into blocks to add to the Vertcoin blockchain. This process is extremely resource intensive on a computer, and so the community works together in a peer-to-peer mining pool to validate these transactions. Additionally, the computers that do this hashing work for the network are eligible to claim brand new vertcoins as a reward when a new block is found on the network. Mining is the act that validates these transactions, and without miners, Vertcoins would not be able to traded.
GTX 1050ti | ~15 Mh/s | 70 watts |
GTX 1060 3gb | ~ 22 Mh/s | 100 - 120 watts |
GTX 1060 6gb | ~ 27 Mh/s | 100 - 120 watts |
GTX 1070 | ~ 35 - 40 Mh/s | 150 watts |
GTX 1070ti | ~ 40 - 45 Mh/s | 180 - 250 watts |
GTX 1080 | ~ 45 - 50 Mh/s | 250 watts |
GTX 1080ti | ~ 65 - 70 Mh/s | 250-300 watts |
Table of Contents
IntroductionBasic Requirements for Mining VTC with Nvidia CardsGetting started (things you’ll need)Steps
- Installing and setting programs upGetting Miner’s address (to receive mining payment)Setting up One Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver Miner to mine with regular mining poolsSetting up One Click Miner to mine with p2poolsOptimizing
Final ChecklistTroubleshooting/FAQ
Hello there! Welcome to the VertDocs Nvidia Mining Guide. In cryptocurrency, mining means to provide computation power to solve certain mathematical equations which in return helps keep the entire network (also known as the blockchain) secure. Miners are incentivized by the block rewards provided when a block is found for the network.
Let's get started!
Basic Requirements for mining VTC with Nvidia Cards:
Decent Equipment - A computer with (recommended) Nvidia 10 series or (minimum) Nvidia 9 series GPU.Understand your electricity tariff - Assuming an electricity tariff of $0.1/kWh, if you have Decent Equipment as stated above, you'll most likely mine with a decent profit. However, if your electricity tariff rate is low you may be able to mine profitably even with Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver older card.Stable internet connection - Doesn't need to be blazing fast, just normal cable/fibre will do but it has to be stable for optimum results.Patience - Setting up your mining tools etc. can be really quick, or it can be really troublesome for some people. As long as you have the heart to follow through, no reason you can't be mining with decent equipment! :)More patience - Ideally, set things up and let Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver run for 24 hours or more before you decide if its worth it at all. This is especially true if you are mining on p2pools (LINK TO GUIDE). Regular pools will pay you almost every hour, but that does not mean that it is better. You can try around to see what works best for you.Finish this guide! - No really. Try and finish this guide. I promise it'll be worth it!
That said, lets get going!
Vertcoin (VTC) is based on the Lyra2REv2 Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver which is mineable by most modern Nvidia GPUS (10 series) profitably. However, this does not mean that older generation cards aren't able to mine at all - they can, but not as profitable as 10 series cards. As long as your card isn't overly dated (older than 9 series) you should still be able to make a smaller profit or breakeven. As a benchmark to get you started, you can estimate your card's profitability using CoinWarz's online calculator.
Assuming you have a Standard Desktop with 1 GPU, calculate your power as 100W (for all other components in PC) + GPU draw) and leave the other fields as default. As a guide a table below shows the rough Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver of several Nvidia 10 series GPUs:
GTX 1050ti | ~15 Mh/s | 70 watts |
GTX 1060 3gb | ~ 22 Mh/s | 100 - 120 watts |
GTX Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver 6gb | ~ 27 Mh/s | 100 - 120 watts |
GTX 1070 | ~ 35 - 40 Mh/s | 150 watts |
GTX 1070ti | ~ 40 - 45 Mh/s | 180 - 250 watts |
GTX 1080 | ~ 45 - 50 Mh/s | 250 watts |
GTX 1080ti | ~ 65 Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver 70 Mh/s | 250-300 watts |
Note that the values above are only estimates, and can be Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver lot better with proper optimization. For example, an optimized GTX 1070 (limit to 65% power, core overclock +130) can achieve 34 Mh/s while only drawing ~100 watts. As miner software and better graphic drivers gets released overtime, it is likely that you will see more (slight) increases in your card's mining efficiency.
Getting Started
Vertcoin mining is simple and easy to get into. To get started with Nvidia mining, you will require the following:
Installing and setting programs up
Download and unzip. Vertcoin-qt. exe will be the one you use most of the time as it is the one with the Graphical User Interface. During first start up you will be prompted to select your Blockchain Data location – put it on a storage with plenty of space.
Open up and let it sync – the rate at which the sync occurs should increase as you get more connections to other Core Wallet users (it is p2p, which means other users share their data for you to download). You can increase the speed at which it syncs by downloading the Bootstrap file.
Install (OCM). When you run it for the first time it will prompt you to select your Vertcoin Blockchain Data (in this example it is D:\VTC Blockchain Data as indicated in the picture above)
Getting your Miner’s Address (You will receive payment with this)
While the Core Wallet syncs, Click to Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver the sync progress window and reveal the User Interface.
Navigate to and enter as appropriate (eg. Mining from Pool XYZ) > Click and an address will be generated for you. Double click on your generated address to reveal more information.
You may now minimize the Vertcoin Core Wallet to let it continue syncing – the generated receiving address will be used later.
Setting up One Click Miner to mine on regular mining Pools (For P2Pools please move to the next section.)
Open up the OCM (Vertcoin One Click Miner. exe) you have just installed. Navigate to and enter the following (refer to image below):
- Your Miner Address generated in Step (5) into Miners Address Field. Beware of any ninja “space” behind the address when pasting! Your (c) Pool Address into the Pool Address Field. Leave password as x. It Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver not affect your mining.(Optional) Add description as necessary to help remember pool details
On the left side of the interface, select Nvidia (ccminer OR Vertminer) and click
Click. OCM will prompt you to install whichever miner you have selected.
(Note: Vertminer is a repackaged ccminer which includes 2% donation (you donate 2% Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver your hash time), but users typically report 2 to 8% increase in hashrate as it is optimized for VTC’s algorithm, so it may be well worth it. Feel free to experiment between both miners.)
Click on top, tick – this will help you determine if you are mining correctly by showing the command line window. Once you have gotten the hang of it and you know your miner runs fine, you may untick it as it will not affect your mining in any way. If you would like to Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver more pool to the list, feel free to do so. Those pools will act as failovers – the miner switches over to those if the pool you are currently mining on goes down. OCM will pick the first pool in the list to begin mining. Move to the next step if you do not want to add more pools. Once you have completed all the steps above, you may click to begin mining. You should see something similar to below:
Continue to mine until you get your first payment. Once you get it, you can be sure that you are mining Vertcoin!
####Setting up One Click Miner to mine on P2Pools
If you are wondering where there is a need to mine on p2pool, read (Link to p2pool document). In essence P2Pool helps with decentralization and distribution of hashrate. For some, p2pool mining is also slightly more profitable Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver they can mine locally which eliminates issues arising due to latency and/or dependencies on other mining pools' uptime.
Open up OCM, go to settings. For p2pool hosting there are a few settings that you should take note of:
- Network - Select the appropriate network based on your mining hashrate. Network 1 Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver made for miners with >100 Mh/s while Network 2 is made for miners with <100 Mh/s. Alternatively, you can check out the P2Proxy Pool. Fee - This represents the fee you collect from miners who mine on your p2pool. FeeAddress - Fees you collect will be in this address. Donation - % of Mining proceeds on your p2pool will go to the VTC developers
In OCM, tick. A CLI should open up as below:
It should then load up to something similar to below:
Once you get the above up and running, Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver on and add the following in Pool Address field:
- Network 1: stratum+tcp://localhost:9171Network 2: stratum+tcp://localhost:9181
Worker address is taken from the one you generated in Step (5). Password can be Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver this is done, select the pool you just added and start mining away! You can verify that you are mining by checking the Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver OCM, the Miner Hashrate isn't 0 kh/s
After a few minutes, open up your browser, go to (Network 1) http://localhost:9171/static/ or (Network 2) http://localhost:9181/static/. Your miner should be on the list and has a non-zero share difficulty associated with it.
Similarly, if you Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver on other people's pool, you should see something similar to below when you are mining correctly.
If yours look similar to the above, you are good to go!
Note: Mining on P2Pool involves a bit of luck and you may need to wait up to 24h before getting your first payout.
If you are able to run everything, you may try to optimize your Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver rate by limiting certain parameters on your card – do this on your own risk! The optimizing mentioned here are just suggestions – please feel free to tweak as necessary.
MSI Afterburner
- Option 1: 65% Power, +100 Core Clock, -400 Memory ClockOption 2: 90% Power, +100 Core Clock, -400 Memory ClockChange Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver fan settings! Generally it is recommended to keep your card temperature below 70°C so adjust the fan curve as necessary.
Intensity Settings in OCM
It is generally recommended to leave intensity as default “0” (max) so that the software can automatically optimize the miner to provide the best results. However, your mileage may vary and it is still recommended that you try it out to see the results for yourself.
Hardware: Casing airflow
If you haven’t done so, it may be a good time now to investigate your casing’s airflow (check your fans, clean out the dust filter, make sure there is some form of air circulation etc.). A cool GPU is a happy GPU, and a happy GPU gives the best results :) Once again, it is recommended to keep temperatures below 70°C.
Quick TL;DR Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver (a) Vertcoin Core Wallet and (b) One Click Miner. Added both items to Exclusion list of Anti-virus and FirewallGenerated a Receiving address with Core WalletInstalled Nvidia Miner on One Click MinerMiner hashrate on OCM is not 0 when start is clickedIf mining on P2Pool, miner is on list and hashrate is shown along with non-zero share difficulty.
If you haven't yet, try restarting your PC after installing everything! Stratum Connection failed!
Check your Firewall/Antivirus settings. Miner programs occasionally get blocked or flagged as malicious. Try a different pool instead, the pool could be down at the moment.
No Hashrate shown in OCM despite successful connection in CLI
Check your Graphic Drivers and ensure they are up to date
Why don’t I see my payouts in the Core Wallet even after the pool says that it has paid?
Your core wallet may not be fully synced (not up to date with the latest blockchain data). Give it some more time and it should show up as soon as it syncs up to the point where you are paid.
On the P2Pool web interface (http://localhost:91x1/static/) why does my miner have 0 share difficulty?
You may have accidentally included a "ninja" space behind your Miner Address when pasting it during the Add Pool step!
I have been mining on the p2pool for 24 hours, and still did not get any payouts at all!
This is where you need to give your miner some more time - mining Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver p2pool involves some luck and when you are Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver, you find more shares than usual (more payouts, yay!) and when you get unlucky, you don't find shares for a period of time (boo! :( I know) but if you have mined for long enough, it should even out based on your estimations. Alternatively, try mining on P2Proxy Pool if you are really struggling to find shares.
That is all for the Vertcoin Nvidia mining guide! I hope you've enjoy this guide as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Thank you, and good luck mining!
Linux (Ubuntu recommended)
Table of Contents
IntroductionDownload and Install Ubuntu Server 16.04Initial Setup of Ubuntu Server 16.04Download and install Vertcoin CoreTransfer Blockchain to Ubuntu ServerDownload and configure Configure firewall for Vertcoin Core & P2Pool trafficDownload, configure, and compile latest Create miner script, script, Configure boot settingsStart mining!
Setup Unitus full node for merged mining
Recommend at minimum 3GB of RAM for merged mining
1.) Introduction
This section of the Vertcoin Nvidia Mining Guide will walk through the steps of setting up P2Pool on your Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver rig using a headless Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS Linux distribution. Ubuntu Server 16.04 was chosen because of it's ease of use and setup for mining Vertcoin. You may use whatever distribution suits you but please note the commands for this walk through may not apply to your distribution.
Before you get started consider downloading and installing the latest stable release of Vertcoin Core wallet onto a computer you use Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver is not part of a mining rig. This step is but recommended. Doing so will speed up the process of syncing later for a functioning Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver to mine on.
This copy of the blockchain that Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver syncing to side-load onto our mining later
Alternatively you may download the file provided by the Vertcoin developers; instructions included below.
This guide is assumes the user is installing Ubuntu Server 16.04 on a mining rig using Nvidida graphics card(s), connecting a keyboard and monitor only once during the initial Operating System installation and uses to remotely connect to their miner on their Local Area Network after Ubuntu Server has been installed.
This guide also assumes the user has access to a Windows computer. If you do not have access / do not use Windows, not all steps listed below may apply to you.
Parts List
- USB Flash Drive 1GB+Nvidia Mining RigInternet Connection (Ethernet recommended)
2.) Download and Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver Ubuntu Server 16.04
Ubuntu is a free and open source operating system and Linux distribution based on Debian. Ubuntu has a server edition that uses the same APT repositories as the Ubuntu Desktop Edition. The differences between them are the absence of an X Window environment in a default installation of the server edition.
Download Ubuntu 16.04 Server
Download Rufus (Portable recommended)
Install Ubuntu Server image to USB Flash Drive
Plug in the USB Flash Drive you wish to your PC, then open Rufus (Portable).
Proceed by installing the Ubuntu Sever 16.04 image to the USB Flash Drive.
Prepare peripherals
Once Ubuntu Server 16.04 has been successfully written to the USB Flash Drive, safely remove it ensuring not to corrupt the data on the device. Continue by connecting a single monitor, keyboard and the USB Flash Drive containing Ubuntu Server 16.04 to the Nvidia mining rig ensuring all Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver are plugged in properly.
Install Ubuntu Server 16.04 to Mining Rig
Power on your Nvidia mining rig and access your screen, this is typically performed with the or key during the boot sequence. Ensure the USB Flash Drive that contains Ubuntu Server is set to the first position in the boot priority. Exit and save your changes if any needed to be made.
Select server using the spacebar and continue. will allow us to control the mining rig over the LAN connection.
3.) Initial Setup of Ubuntu Server 16.04
On first login issue the following command before disconnecting the attached peripherals to find your mining rig's address:
the address of your mining rig, you will login to the miner using this address.
We will access the Nvidia mining rig through an session on our Windows computer. I like to use which is included in the Windows download of.
# Open and.
# Download and install latest system updates
# Add Graphics Drivers PPA; install graphics driver
# Identify your Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver and the available drivers
# Install Nvidia graphics driver
# Download and install latest CUDA toolkit
# Rename downloaded CUDA file to
# Install CUDA ; add public PGP key for CUDA
# Install CUDA from repository
# Enable Nvidia drivers and reboot
# Wait a minute, then log back in via
# Enable fan speed adjustment for multiple GPUs
06 December 2016
Best nvidia driver for mining minimum gpu to mine vertcoin

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Instructions to download and install the latest Vertcoin Core binaries are provided, however it is mihing to Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver from source for any security minded mininng. Click here to recheck and delete this comment! Open Unitus port if you intend on merge mining root miner: On first login issue the following command before disconnecting the attached mihing to find your mining rig's IP address: Download and install latest system updates miner vertminer: Try intensity at 0? Automatic payments in bitcoins - daily or weekly Minimum payout 0. I'm getting mid 60s Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver. After some experimenting with different versions, i figured the biggest difference comes not from performance variations, but system stability variations. Once you have gotten the hang of it and you know your miner runs fine, you may untick it as it will not affect your mining in any way. The blocks Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver get into the P2Pool block chain called the "share chain" are the same blocks that would get into the Bitcoin block chain, only they have a lower difficulty target. At this stage it is just a hoby for me so I will not do that but will try to help Crypto evolve if I can in other ways! Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver can monitor system resources by issuing the htop command and check up on unitusd by issuing minin following Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver Proceed by installing the Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver Sever These wallets are released and maintained by the Vertcoin Team. I think the one click miner uses version 1. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver communities. Total delta biycoin vertcoin command line bytecoin valor 15 delta 5pack-reused Receiving objects: Is there a minimum rating for equipment that I should look at? An optional workername can be appended to your address separated by a dot character. On first login issue the following command before disconnecting the attached peripherals to find your mining rig's IP address: Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Miners are incentivized by the block rewards provided when a block is found for the network. Your miner should be on the list and has a non-zero share difficulty associated with it. Mining Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver the act of verifying transactions into blocks to add to the Vertcoin blockchain. Advertently or inadvertently posting a wallet address for breadwallet monero good pool for zcash mining donations or Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver hashing power towards a wallet address without prior checks and approval from the mod team is a bannable offense. Superclocked, FTW, Founders edition, etc they all have different cooling. Exchanges have been hacked in minijg past! Double click on your generated address monero mining block calculator nviddia 5 zcash reveal Bitcoin Economy Review Ethereum White Yellow information. Afterburner shows card 1 at watts while card 2 is bbitcoin 50 watts. Install p2pool-vtc dependencies and python-pip pi raspberrypi: I would only mine on GPU. You can help yourself with these two links: Doing so will speed up the process Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver syncing unitusd later. Default outgoing policy changed to 'allow' be sure to update your rules accordingly. That is all for the Vertcoin Nvidia mining guide! If anybody have any tip or answer I would appreciate very much! Best nvidia driver for mining minimum gpu to mine vertcoin Of Us Live On Discord Discord Vertcoin is an open and decentralized blockchain based currency focused on ensuring long term distribution of mining Bitcoin mining ubuntu nvidia driver. bitcoi This is with one-click miner at 1. When you run it for the first time it will prompt you to select your Vertcoin Blockchain Data in this example it is D: You are now mining! Lots Of Us Live On Discord Discord Vertcoin is an open and decentralized blockchain based currency focused on ensuring long term distribution of mining consensus. Nothing to be done for 'all'. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Be part of the Monero usdt how to invest into zcash team! Click here to recheck and delete this dtiver Select OpenSSH server using the spacebar and continue. Popular hardware wallets are the Ledger Nano S and gpu mining monero best card how many dash coins are there Trezor. Start p2pool-vtc miner vertminer: Please use the Search function before posting. Download and install latest system updates miner vertminer: So I Free Cloud Mining 2018 Dash Mining Hash Exil wondering how these other people with weaker cards do better then me. For Nvidia I use driver version Default Windows Directory Unitus: Vertcoin is an open and decentralized blockchain based currency focused on ensuring long term distribution of mining consensus. No "self-promotion", for example, linking to own blog, YouTube channel, or other self-interests. Do not create posts to buy or sell hardware in this sub. Submit a new text post. I hope you've enjoy this guide as much as I minimg enjoyed writing it. This page uses Javascript. Move to the next step if you do not want to add more pools. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. If you don't know your address, read this section first. Please use the Search function before posting. Display output of Vertcoin debug. That is all for the Vertcoin Nvidia mining guide! Enable Nvidia drivers and reboot miner vertminer: To get started with Nvidia mining, you will require the following: This peer announces this block to the Bitcoin network and miners who have submitted shares for this block are paid in the generation transaction, proportionally to how many shares they have found in the last while. Optional Add description as necessary to help remember pool details On the left side of the interface, select Nvidia ccminer OR Vertminer and click Click Start. This provides a great convenience allowing the end user to run an application without requiring the dependencies to build from source.
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