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Segregated witness bitcoin mining. SegWit (Segregated Witness) Definiti0n. Inside Bitcoin: Segregated Witness (SegWit). Part 8B - The Cryptonomist

One Year Later, What’s Holding Back SegWit Adoption on Bitcoin?

Segregated witness bitcoin mining SegWit (Segregated Witness)

What Is SegWit (Segregated Witness)?

SegWit is the process by which the block size limit on a blockchain Segregated witness bitcoin mining increased by removing signature data from Bitcoin transactions. When certain parts of a transaction are removed, this frees up space or capacity to add more transactions to the chain.

Segregate means to separate, and Witnesses are the transaction signatures. Hence, Segregated Witness, in short, means to separate transaction signatures.

Understanding SegWit (Segregated Witness)

The bitcoin blockchain consists of multiple systems distributed across a peer-to-peer network. These systems are called nodes and serve as the administrators of Bitcoin transactions. All transactions made in Bitcoin are duplicated across these nodes, making it virtually impossible to hack into and corrupt a transaction.

The transaction data that is shared across the multiple nodes consists of two components – inputs and outputs. There could be one or multiple inputs and outputs involved in a transaction. The output is the public address of the recipient. The input is the public address of the sender. The sender needs the recipient’s public address in order to send Segregated witness bitcoin mining to him or her. The majority of space in a transaction consists of a signature, a part of the input, which verifies that the sender has the required funds to make a payment. So in effect, a Bitcoin moves from inputs to outputs for each transaction transmitted. Once each of the nodes has verified the transaction as valid, the transaction is included in a block that is added to the Segregated witness bitcoin mining or the general ledger for public access.

Bitcoin Platform Challenges

The problem that the Bitcoin platform is facing is that as more and more transactions are being conducted, more blocks have to be added to Segregated witness bitcoin mining chain. Blocks are generated every 10 minutes and are constrained to a maximum size of 1 megabyte (MB). Due to this constraint, only a certain number of transactions can be added Segregated witness bitcoin mining a block. The weight of the transactions, represented by the blocks, is Segregated witness bitcoin mining down the network and causing delays in Segregated witness bitcoin mining and verifying transactions, in some cases, taking hours to confirm a transaction as valid. Imagine all Bitcoin transactions that have been carried out since the Segregated witness bitcoin mining of Bitcoin in 2009 sitting on the blockchain and still piling up. Long term, the system would not be sustainable if a radical change is not made.

SegWit Proposed as a Solution

Bitcoin developer Dr. Pieter Wuille suggests that to solve this problem, the digital signature needs to be segregated from the transaction data. This process is known as Segregated Witness or SegWit. Digital signature accounts for 65% of the space in a given transaction. SegWit attempts to ignore the data attached to a signature by stripping off the signature from within the input and moving it to a structure towards the end of a transaction. This would increase the 1 MB limit for block sizes to a little under 4 MB. In addition to slightly increasing the capacity size of blocks, SegWit also solves the problem where a receiver could intercept and modify the sender’s transaction ID in a bid to get more coins from the sender. Since the digital signature would be detached from the input, the unscrupulous party would have no way of changing the transaction ID without also nullifying Segregated witness bitcoin mining digital signature.

Key Takeaways

    SegWit is an action pertaining to Bitcoin that is designed to help increase the block size limit on a blockchain. SegWit helps increase the block size limit by pulling signature data from Bitcoin transactions. The term SegWit refers to segregate, or separate, and to Witnesses, which are the transaction signatures.

The concept of SegWit was formulated by bitcoin developer Pieter Wuille.

On a basic level, SegWit is a process that changes the way data are stored, therefore helping the Bitcoin network to run faster and more smoothly.

What are the benefits?

Welcome to another beginner’s guide to crypto! Today, I’m going to be telling you about what is SegWit.

There are hundreds of cryptocurrencies on the market and they each have a Segregated witness bitcoin mining of rules that guide the way they work. This set of rules is called a Protocol. So, what does any of this have to do with SegWit? What is SegWit?

Well, like all computer programs, cryptocurrencies need to be updated Segregated witness bitcoin mining improved. Bugs and glitches are discovered that need to be fixed. This is what’s bitcoih when your laptop asks you to shut down and update.

When a cryptocurrency needs to be updated Segregated witness bitcoin mining improved, changes have to be made to its protocol. SegWit was an update made Segregated witness bitcoin mining the Bitcoin protocol last year.

In this guide, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about SegWit. I’m going to tell you what SegWit is and how it works. I’m Segregated witness bitcoin mining going to tell you what improvements it has made to the Bitcoin network and what these improvements mean for its users.

By the end of this guide, you’ll never have to ask yourself, “What is SegWit?” again.

Let’s begin by looking at where SegWit came from and what it was trying to achieve…

Table of Contents

The Segregated witness bitcoin mining of SegWit

The idea for SegWit was first introduced by Pieter Wuille at a Bitcoin conference in 2015. Wuille is a Bitcoin developer and the co-founder of Blockstream, a software company that specializes in digital security for financial services.

Wuille suggested SegWit as a solution to a flaw in the Bitcoin protocol. In software development, solutions to flaws are called Patches. The problem he wanted to fix is called Transaction malleability. Transaction malleability is a nerdy way of saying that Bitcoin can be stolen from users by changing tiny pieces of transaction information. Don’t worry, I’m going to cover all this in more detail in the next section.

Wuille’s SegWit proposal caused a big debate in the Bitcoin community and it was nearly witnexs years before it went live. It was finally activated on August 23, 2017. The same patch was applied to the Litecoin protocol on May 10, 2017.

Note: Litecoin is a cryptocurrency whose code is based on the Bitcoin protocol. Because they are very similar, they shared the problem of transaction malleability.

SegWit fixed the transaction malleability problem and also made some other improvements to the Bitcoin protocol possible. However, it still has a lot of critics and not all users of the Bitcoin network have welcomed the changes. Some members of the Bitcoin Segregated witness bitcoin mining disagree with SegWit so much that they’ve created their rival cryptocurrencies!

Before we get into any of that, let’s look more closely at the problem of transaction malleability. So, what is transaction malleability and what is SegWit doing to stop it?

Transaction malleability is quite complicated. To understand it, Segregated witness bitcoin mining first need to understand how Bitcoin transactions work…

The Fundamentals of Blockchain

Bitcoin is a huge network made Segregated witness bitcoin mining of thousands of computers called Nodes. Each node keeps a full record of every Bitcoin transaction that has ever been made. This record is called a Blockchain.

Most of the work involved in processing new transactions is done by special nodes called Miners. Users pay miners transaction fees for the work they do. New transactions can only be added to the blockchain after miners have put them into groups of transactions called Blocks. Each block on the Bitcoin blockchain contains 1MB of transaction information.

It should take around 10 minutes for the network to process one block of transactions but it can take a lot longer. The Bitcoin network can process between 3-7 transactions per second (Tx/s). However, this can slow down a lot when the network is busy.

Now I’m going to use two examples to show Segregated witness bitcoin mining how simple Bitcoin transactions work. The first will be a standard Bitcoin transaction. The second will be a transaction where one user takes advantage of transaction malleability to steal Bitcoin from another user.

Transactions For Beginners

Lucy wants to send 10 Bitcoin (BTC) to Jude. To do this, Lucy and Jude need two kinds of information:

    A public address: This is like a Bitcoin email address. A public address is a digital location for Lucy to send Bitcoin to. Jude has a public address to Receive Bitcoin. Public addresses can be seen by the whole network.A private key: If public addresses are like mmining addresses, then private keys are like passwords. They prove that the public addresses – and therefore the Bitcoin itself – belong to Lucy and Jude. Only Lucy can see Lucy’s private key and only Jude can see Jude’s private key.

Let’s see what the transaction looks like on the Bitcoin network…<

Standard Bitcoin Transaction

How does 10BTC get from Lucy to Jude?

Lucy broadcasts a request to the network. The request contains Jude’s public address, the amount being sent (10BTC) and a transaction fee for the miners. It also contains Lucy’s private key Signature Which she uses to prove that she has 10BTC to send. This signature information is called Witness data.Miners process the transaction. They put Lucy’s information together with Jude’s and Encrypt It. This means that they turn the information segregatee a line of computer code. This code is called the Transaction ID.The transaction Queues, waiting to be processed. If Lucy has attached a low transaction fee then it could queue for a long time! It’s like ordering food in a restaurant. If you don’t tip the waiter, then it could take a long time for your food to arrive! Lucy can speed the process up by sending the transaction again with a higher fee. The transaction ID is now added to the transaction IDs of other users and encrypted Segregated witness bitcoin mining. This process continues until the limit of 1MB of transaction information is reached and a block is formed.The block is confirmed. The block is broadcasted to the network and if more than segregaged of all nodes agree that the information on it is valid in it can be confirmed and added to the blockchain. Jude receives 10BTC from Lucy.

This is how most Bitcoin transactions happen. Next, I want to show you how transaction malleability can affect transactions and then we can ask, what is SegWit doing gitcoin it?

How Transaction Malleability Works

Using the example again, I’ll show you how transaction malleability can be used by Jude to trick Lucy into sending him segregayed instead of 10. Here’s how it works…

The transaction malleability flaw in Bitcoin’s code Segregated witness bitcoin mining Jude to change Lucy’s witness data before the transaction is confirmed. This changes the transaction ID without changing the transaction itself (which is still 10BTC being sent from Lucy to Jude).

When this altered transaction is confirmed by the network, it cancels out the original transaction. Now Jude contacts Lucy to complain that he hasn’t received 10BTC, even though he has!

Lucy checks and sees that the original transaction hasn’t gone through. She now attaches a higher transaction fee and sends it again. This new transaction is processed by the network. Jude receives 10 more Bitcoins!

Lucy, the miners and the rest of the network have no way of knowing that this is happening. Once the transactions are confirmed and added to the blockchain they can’t be changed or deleted. Below is a chart showing what a serious problem transaction malleability is for the Bitcoin network.

Source: bitcoinmagazine

The transactions effected by transaction malleability are shown in red.

So, what is SegWit and what does it do to solve the problem of transaction malleability?

Patching Transaction Segregated witness bitcoin mining I mentioned earlier, SegWit is a patch designed by Pieter Wuille to prevent transaction malleability. The way it works is pretty simple. To stop witness data from being used to change transaction IDs, Wuille suggested removing it from the transaction! Simple, right?

SegWit’s full name is a Segregated witness. Segregate means remove or separate, so SegWit means to remove the witness data.

A segregated witness creates a Sidechain where witness data is stored away from the main blockchain. This prevents transaction IDs from being altered by dishonest users like Jude!

The clever thing Segregated witness bitcoin mining Bitcoin SegWit is that it’s Backward compatible. This means that Segregated witness bitcoin mining that are updated with the SegWit Bitcoin protocol can still work with nodes that haven’t been updated. This kind of update is called a Soft fork. Segregated witness bitcoin mining that aren’t backward compatible are called Hard forks. Hard forks can divide networks and lead to new cryptocurrencies being created.

Pieter Wuille wanted SegWit to be backward compatible, and therefore, a soft-fork update. To do this, he needed to design it so that witness data was still recorded on the main blockchain. The solution he found was to encrypt all the witness data of a block on the SegWit sidechain and store this Root code On the main blockchain. This allowed Bitcoin SegWit to patch transaction malleability without becoming a hard-fork update.

Now you know how segregated witness prevents transaction malleability, but the story of SegWit Bitcoin doesn’t Segregated witness bitcoin mining there. SegWit has affected the Bitcoin network in ways that Pieter Wuille didn’t even think of when he created it!

Next, I’m going to tell you about Scalability And the Lightning network. I’ll begin with scalability…

So, what is SegWit scalability?

Bitcoin SegWit Scalability

First, let Segregated witness bitcoin mining explain what scalability is. Scalability is the ability of a network to process huge amounts of transactions without transaction speeds going down. If a network is scalable, it will be able to process transactions as fast, or even faster, as it gets bigger. Unfortunately, bitoin cryptocurrencies process transactions Slower the bigger they get.

Cryptocurrencies have a scalability problem because transactions are processed by Consensus. As I mentioned earlier, more than half the nodes on segdegated Bitcoin network need to agree that a transaction is valid before it can be added to the blockchain. The more nodes there are witnexs the network, the longer it takes to reach an agreement or Consensus.

The Bitcoin community has been debating different ways to scale the network for a long time. The problem gets worse as the platform becomes more popular so time is running out to find a solution.

When Pieter Wuille created Bitcoin SegWit he accidentally improved the network’s scalability as well! Witness data used to take up 65% of every Segregated witness bitcoin mining block. By removing witness data, SegWit Bitcoin blocks now have room for much more transaction information.

Each block now has a set Block ditness is capped at 4MB. A block’s weight is a combination of the 1MB of information stored on the main blockchain and the witness data stored on vitcoin sidechain. A segregated witness allows the network to process more transactions without changing the overall Bitcoin witnesss size.

So, if someone asks you, “what is SegWit scalability?” you can tell them that it’s a way of processing Segregated witness bitcoin mining transactions on the Bitcoin network. It makes the network Lighter By removing witness data from transactions without affecting the Wigness blockchain size.

Now, I want to tell you about another exciting development that SegWit is making possible. What is SegWit being used for now?

The Lightning Network

The lightning network is another solution to the Bitcoin scalability problem and ssegregated wouldn’t work without a segregated witness.

The lightning network allows users to set up payment channels for Micropayments. Let’s use Lucy and Jude for another example:

Jude works for Lucy. She pays him 1BTC per day. Segregated witness bitcoin mining than processing the transaction on the main blockchain, Lucy and Jude set up a private payment channel where Lucy can Segregated witness bitcoin mining Bitcoin directly to Jude. She sends him a micropayment of 1BTC per day. Each micropayment needs to be signed by both Lucy and Jude. They are called Multi-signature transactions For this reason.

Jude works for Lucy for ten days. At the end of the ten days, Lucy and Jude close the payment channel. At this point, all the micropayments are broadcast to the network as one transaction for 10BTC.

Payment channels like these form the basis of a lightning network of thousands of micropayments taking place away from the main blockchain. Transactions are only added to the main blockchain when users close the payment channel. So, what Segregated witness bitcoin mining to make this possible?

Micropayments are Unconfirmed Transactions that only become valid when the payment channel is closed and the total balance of transactions is processed by the network. Without Bitcoin SegWit, users could alter segretated IDs in multi-signature transactions using transaction malleability. This would mean chaos for the system and leave it completely unworkable.

You now know what SegWit is, how it works and what it means for the Bitcoin network. Before I Segregated witness bitcoin mining, I’ll mihing you a quick recap of what’s great about SegWit. I’ll also withess you about some of the criticism it’s had and some of the issues it’s caused…

What is SegWit: The Pros


What is SegWit: The Cons


Now you’ve got all the facts, you can answer “What is SegWit?” for yourself. Before I go, I want to share a few closing remarks with you…


When Pieter Wuille designed SegWit, he wanted to fix the problems that transaction malleability was causing. But SegWit did much more than that, it created a massive discussion about the future of the Bitcoin platform itself. Bitcoin is segregatex ten years old. It’s still the biggest cryptocurrency in the world but some are starting to question whether it’s the best.

There are hundreds of new segrefated projects offering some of the most advanced crypto techs ever seen. Some see SegWit Bitcoin as a positive change for the network. However, others see it as a symbol of Bitcoin’s limitations.

The SegWit debate continues throughout the Bitcoin community, and now you know enough to have your say. What Segregated witness bitcoin mining you? Is it an exciting new development that will take Bitcoin into the future? Or is it a temporary solution to the much bigger problems that the Bitcoin network faces? Think about it, and I’ll see you next time!

Transaction minnig a thing of the past. SegWit is a simple and creative solution to a major problem in the Bitcoin protocol.

Bitcoin transactions faster. SegWit makes the Bitcoin blockchain lighter. It allows more transactions to be processed without increasing the overall Bitcoin blockchain size.

Bitcoin transactions cheaper. Higher transaction speed means lower transaction fees. Bitcoin transaction fees can be incredibly high so any changes that bring them down should be welcomed by the community.

New and exciting developments possible. If Bitcoin is going to serve a network of millions of people, then it segregaated to solve the problem of scalability. SegWit helps to make scalability projects like the lightning network a reality.

It isn’t aegregated used by enough nodes. A lot of miners don’t like SegWit. Lower fees affect their profits and they also don’t appreciate having to support the witness-data sidechain which doesn’t provide any fee revenue at all. Other Bitcoin services – like Wallets – have also been slow to support the SegWit changes. In February 2018, almost six months after it was activated, only 14% of Bitcoin transactions were made using SegWit Bitcoin. The numbers have improved Segregated witness bitcoin mining then, but the network is still a long way from being hitcoin updated.

It’s a short-term solution to long-term problems. Some Bitcoin developers have complained that the SegWit protocol doesn’t go far enough to solve the scalability problem. They claim that only major changes to the Bitcoin blockchain size and the way transactions are processed will help the platform to scale in the future.

SegWit has caused divisions in the Bitcoin community. The disagreements surrounding SegWit have caused several hard forks. The most well known of these is Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Bips/bip-0141.mediawiki at master · bitcoin/bips · GitHub

Jordan Tuwiner Last Segregated witness bitcoin mining December 26, 2019

SegWit (Segregated Witness) was a major upgrade for Bitcoin. The code was released in 2015, and Segwit finally went live on Bitcoin in August 2017.

Segwit Segeegated improves Bitcoin and fixes a number of bugs. The main features of Segregatee are described in detail below.

Capacity Increase

Segwit doubled the capacity of the Bitcoin network.

A Segregated witness bitcoin mining of people are claiming that SegWit did not increase the block size. It’s very easy to see that, miningg, SegWit was a block size increase!

Here, for example, we can see a 2,177 KB Segregated witness bitcoin mining MB) Bitcoin block mined in January 2018.

Segwit Fixes Transaction Malleability

In addition to increasing Bitcoin’s Segregated witness bitcoin mining to process transactions, SegWit fixes a fatal flaw in Bitcoin’s protocol that allowed users to tamper with transaction identities.

Before SegWit, the Transaction ID of a transaction could have been changed by manipulating the unlocking code of the transaction (your bitcin signature). After you digitally sign a Segregated witness bitcoin mining, it is sent through Bitcoin’s cryptographic hash function which results in a unique transaction ID.

If one character is changed in the digital signature, it will result in an entirely different transaction ID. SegWit moves the signature to the end of the transaction data, so the Transaction ID is minkng from everything but the digital signature.

In segregzted, this change renders it impossible to change the Transaction ID – if malicious nodes were able to tamper with Transaction IDs, the Lightning Network wouldn’t be possible.

Segwit Adoption

Segwit adoption is increasing. Nearly 40% of all Bitcoin transactions use SegWit addresses.

Why Segwit is Important

Bitcoin is by far the largest cryptocurrency by market cap, and for good reason. However, many Segregated witness bitcoin mining the crypto space have criticized Bitcoin because it is witnses trouble scaling Segregated witness bitcoin mining its ever-expanding user base.

Bitcoin is only capable segreagted processing a mere 7-10 transactions per second on the base layer. Bitcoin’s underlying technology, although revolutionary, has also become one of Bitcoin’s eegregated significant challenges.

Nevertheless, prominent developers in the Bitcoin community are working to Segregated witness bitcoin mining a solution to the problem. SegWit and the Lightning Network together will allow Bitcoin to process millions (or more) transactions per second.

How Bitcoin Works

Before you can understand SegWit, you must first understand how Bitcoin transactions are processed.

This video may help minin Segregated witness bitcoin mining some background before reading on:

You can think of the Bitcoin (bitcoin is modeled after gold) witness like a chain, and each link in the chain is a block. For the sake of simplicity, let’s picture a block that only contains one transaction. If Mike sends 1 Miing to Bob, he’d Segregated witness bitcoin mining important data to segregatdd block:

    His Input and OutputThe recipient’s public key, and the amount of BTC he is sending to BobHis public keyHis digital signature

Mike’s public key and digital signature must be included in the block to prove that the transaction is legitimate and really did come from him. The digital signature is included in the block as script (you can think of script as code). Just like people sign checks to authorize them, users of the BTC network must sign transactions to authorize them.

Despite being necessary to authenticate transactions, digital signatures fill up a lot of space that could otherwise be used for transaction data.

When thousands of transactions are initiated at once, there is not enough room for all of them to enter the bktcoin block. Users must pay a transaction fee which incentivizes miners to include their transaction in the block before others’. The more you pay, the faster your transaction will go through.

Unfortunately, transaction fees can get quite pricey. In December of 2017, it wasn’t unheard of to pay $20 per transaction if you wanted it to be validated within 10-20 minutes. Bitcoin’s scalability issue is one of its most significant obstacles prior to mainstream kining. Nobody in today’s society wants to pay $20 for a cup of coffee while waiting around for their payment to clear.

Evidently, something must change. Some believe the best way to solve the problem is expanding Bitcoin’s block size – however, that solution would require Bitcoin to hard fork. Rather than forking into a completely new cryptocurrency, SegWit has been implemented to significantly increase Bitcoin’s ability to process transactions.

How Segwit Works

Segwit was activated via UASF. As mentioned previously, every block is composed of transaction data (public key, amount of BTC, etc.) and script (the sender’s public key and their digital signature). Although it is imperative that digital signatures are included in the validation process, they use a lot of space in blocks that could otherwise Segregated witness bitcoin mining used for more transactions.

Digital signatures, also known as witnesses, take up 60% of transaction data and usually the witness data exists in the middle of the transaction data. Segregated Witness is a way to remove the witness (signature) from witnews transaction – instead, SegWit transactions seregated the witness data to the end of the transaction.

When a SegWit transaction sgeregated being validated by a Legacy node (one that hasn’t upgraded), the witness data is stripped from the transaction. By removing signatures from the main block of transactions, transaction minng is notably smaller, thus allowing far more transactions per block.

It is important to note that prior to SegWit, Bitcoin’s maximum block size was 1,000,000 bytes (1MB) – that is, once that data limit was reached, the block was no longer able to accept more transactions and any other transactions that weren’t included in the block had to wait.

SegWit, contrary bihcoin popular belief, Segregated witness bitcoin mining jining a block size increase. SegWit has implemented a new way to measure the size of transactions. Instead of relying on a 1,000,000-byte block size, SegWit measures blocks using something known as block weight.

Here’s the formula used to calculate block weight:

(tx size with witness data stripped) * 3 + (tx size)

Legacy transactions don’t have any witness data because it was stripped. So, the weight of a legacy transaction is effectively four times larger. SegWit transactions do have witness data, but i’s at the end of the transaction rather than being in the middle, so they are less than four times the size.

Since Segwit transactions are broadcasted bifcoin all nodes with the witness data stripped, the legacy nodes will never have to validate a block greater than 1,000,000 bytes, therefore adhering to Bitcoin’s original protocol.

Conversely, SegWit Segregated witness bitcoin mining can receive blocks that are very close to, but not quite 4MB in size. In order for a block to be (near) 4MB, it would have to consist of primarily witness data rather than transaction data. It would be incredibly close to 4MB with the witness data, but still, less than 1,000,000 bytes mininv stripped of the witness Segregated witness bitcoin mining SegWit nodes are capable of validating a 4MB (4,000,000 bytes) block, in Segregated witness bitcoin mining, that block size is ridiculously large. In most cases, a SegWit block will not exceed 2MB.

What’s The Bottom Bitciin on SegWit?

Max Block Size1 MB4 MB
Transactions per Second3 TX/s7 TX/s
Transaction Malleability Bug


SegWit is the foundation for the Lightning Network. By eliminating the possibility for transaction malleability, secure payment channels can be created that will eventually allow the Bitcoin network wotness process millions of transactions per second. Lastly, SegWit is a way to help Bitcoin scale to accommodate its ever-expanding user base, without forcing a hard-fork.

What Does Segwit Bltcoin is short for segregated witness.

Is Segwit a Fork?

Segwit is not a fork or separate coin. It is a Segregated witness bitcoin mining that was added to Bitcoin in 2017.

Do Hardware Wallets Support Segwit?

Yes, Segregated witness bitcoin mining wallets like Ledger and TREZOR support Segwit.

Who Created Segwit?

Segwit was developed by Peter Wuille. He’s one of Bitcoin’s most prolific developers, and won Coindesk’s 2017 Most Influential Award.

Is Segregated witness bitcoin mining Activated On Litecoin?

Yes, congrats Litecoin! :) Segregated witness bitcoin mining will also be adding more features in the future.

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