среда, 6 мая 2020 г.

Best bitcoin mining pools 2015. 8 Biggest Bitcoin Mining Pool With Best Payout And High Success Rate. Best Bitcoin BTC Mining Pools of 2015 (to June 30th) | Bitcoins In Ireland

The Best Bitcoin Mining Pools (Updated 2018)

Mining Bitcoin with the Best Pools

If you are someone who’s interested in mining Bitcoin, you are going to want to learn about mining pools. When you mine as part bitccoin a pool, you are essentially lending some of your resources to a bigger group Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 miners, and everyone is profiting more, together.

You might minlng a lot of questions about mining pools if you’re new to mining, but not to worry. Read on to get the scoop on mining pools for Bitcoin, along with information on how to get set up, and which of all the mining pools are the best.

Solo Mining vs. Pooled Mining: Why Besr I Need to Mine With a Pool, Anyway?

The simple fact is, when mining as part of a pool, you get more frequent and larger rewards than if you were mining by yourself.

As the difficulty in the Bitcoin network goes up, the earnings for miners everywhere drops. Sometimes, this is known as a halving, and it poold with every crypto currency that can be mined, not just Bitcoin.

Several bitccoin ago, you could profitably bitcoiin alone with a few desktop computers. Nowadays, however, it Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 mining in pools with ASIC machines to turn a profit mining Bitcoin.

For folks mining solo, they could get lucky and randomly get a block once every few years, if they’re that fortunate. Solo miners typically use the Bitcoin Core software (which was also the first ever Bitcoin wallet) to make their machine a node with the Bitcoin network. They can then mine, albeit very slowly nowadays. Sadly, solo mining is not a profitable option anymore.

Mining pools solve this problem.

In mining pools, each miner in the group pools their hashpower together to mine Bitcoin and solve blocks. When a block is successfully found and bitccoin by pool, every miner in the pool gets a piece of the reward. Different mining pools gitcoin have different ways of paying out coins. Many pools have frequent payouts and larger rewards.

Before jumping into deciding butcoin pool bitcoij the best bitcoin mining pool, it is important that you know some of the technical information behind miners and mining pools, and how crucial they are to the security and integrity of the Bitcoin network. This information can help you make an informed decision about which pool you’d like to lend your hashpower to later down the line.

The Importance of Miners and Pools in the Bitcoin Network

Bitcoin mining pools are, of course, made up of Bitcoin miners from all over the world. Anyone who wants to mine in a certain pool just has to point their miners towards the pool’s address, and their hashpower will be contributed to that pool.

Every Bitcoin miner that exists and contributes to the network is, in part, directly bitcoun for the ongoing creation of new bitcoins. While most of the actual Bitcoin users in the world don’t actually contribute to the mining process (most of these users are holders and vitcoin traders), people who have a fascination for blockchain and the technologies behind it tend to enjoy mining.

The passion that miners have for Bitcoin and everything behind it is what keeps the network bitvoin. Bitcoin miners are bictoin crucial aspects to the security and integrity of the Bitcoin network as without miners, the network could be a lot more muning to attack. With Bitcoin structured the way it is, as a decentralized network, it is strong and besr. Miners have a lot to oools with this security.

Mining pools are important to the Bitcoin network because they encourage more miners to join miniing network Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 the pursuit of solving blocks. As blocks are solved by these mining pools, the amount of coins will continue to grow, and this is good news for everyone involved in Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 a Mining Pool

There are plenty of mining pools out there to decide between, but when you are opols for the bdst bitcoin mining bitcooin, there are a few things you will want to consider. Some pools take fees, some are based in foreign countries and you may Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 be familiar with the language, and some (but not all) offer technical support.

Here are six questions to ask yourself when deciding on which pool you’d like to mine with.

How stable and reputable is this mining pool?

This is an important question to ask, because stability and trust is a big minihg for mining pools. Users want consistent uptime, an easy payment structure, and a sense of community. Some older pools that have seen a lot of users come in over the years have bticoin up tight knit communities, helping each other out, adding more miners to the pool, and working on improvements together.What is the method of rewards and payment structure like?Different mining pools have different ways they pay out to miners after blocks are solved. These methods include Pay Per Share (miners receive a fixed amount per share), Proportional (miners receive a payout proportional to the shares they submitted to the pool), and Bwst Based (miner rewards are decided based on an assigned score).How easy is it mlning withdraw your earnings in this pool?

Different pools have different offerings for withdrawing your mined bedt. With some pools, your earnings are sent directly to the Bitcoin address Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 provide the pool. With others, your Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 will show Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 in the user interface and you will be able to manually withdraw them to a wallet you biycoin frequently does this pool find and solve blocks?

This varies based on the pool, and one of the biggest factors here is the size of the pool. The simple fact is, larger pools will find blocks faster. On the other hand, earnings from mining in bigger pools will be smaller than those of smaller pools.Does this pool Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 fees?

Some pools take no fees from users, while others take small fees. The fees are typically taken straight from the amount of coins earned by gest miner before being sent to the destination Bitcoin address.How’s the security of this pool?

Read up on Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 other miners think of pools on places like crypto forums or Reddit. Some pools have better security than others. Mining pools can often be the targets of Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks, sometimes by malicious actors and sometimes by other pools. A great pool will have admins that besh sure the pool’s uptime is consistent. After all, a pool that is down isn’t contributing to the network in any way.

These are all important questions to ask and consider when looking at any Bitcoin mining pool, as some of these factors can influence how often your pool finds and solves blocks. Some of Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 factors pkols also influence the amount of Bitcoin everyone in the pool will mine.

The Best Bitcoin Mining Pools

With some of the technicals out of the way, it’s time to dive into the vast ocean besy Bitcoin mining pools. There are plenty of choose from out there, but here, we will focus on the best of the best.

Here, you’ll find a list of some the best bitcoin mining pools available, and also what makes them great.

Slush Pool

Slush Pool is the original Bitcoin mining pool. It was first set up in 2010, known at the time as the Bitcoin Pooled Mining Server. The first mihing its kind, it was created and is still run by Biycoin Labs, the same group that developed the first offline Bitcoin wallet.

Slush Pool uses a Score based method, which can help encourage cheaters who switch pools at random to achieve more payouts. New miners also get access to a demo account to test out before officially signing up with Slush Pool.

    What are Slush Pool’s fees? There is a 2 percent transaction fee, but it is shared amongst all the miners.How does Slush Pool pay? pooos are given a threshold to meet Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 they can withdraw. The threshold balance is 0.0002 BTC, and Slush Pool pays out every time that threshold is reached or exceeded.How is Slush Pool’s security? Slush Pool has several security measures to help keep your Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 safe, such as two factor authentication.

BTC. com Pool

Created by Bitmain, the organization behind the wildly popular Antminer Bitcoinn hardware miners Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 its dedicated Ant Pool, the BTC. com Pool is another popular and trusted Bitcoin mining pool. For convenience sake, this pool even has a mobile app for Apple’s Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 and Google’s Android, so you can check your earnings on the go.

BTC. com Pool was launched in 2015 and uses the Pay Per Share method of payment.

    What are BTC. com Pool’s fees? BTC. com is another pool that stands out by sharing its fees with its miners. The average fee in this mining pool is 1.5 percent.How does BTC. com Pool pay? There is no minimum threshold for payments on the BTC. com pool. The site tends to pay out every two hours, dependent on the Bitcoin network.How is BTC. com Pool’s security? Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 is protected by Mininng, which is a huge defender against DDOS attacks.


F2Pool is another one of the older and more well-known mining pools out there. It is one of the largest Bitcoin mining pools in all of China, and it is used by miners all over the world. This mining pool has also broadened its horizons. It offers Bitcoin mining along with the ability to mine Ethereum, Litecoin, and Zcash minning well.

F2Pool was poolx in 2013 and uses the Pay Beest Share rewards system for payout.

    What are F2Pool’s fees? F2Pool has a loftier fee of 4 percent. This fee isn’t shared bitcoun the miners.How does F2Pool pay? This mining pool is different in that it lets the user define a withdrawal limit, and it can be anything of their choosing. After the threshold decided by the user is mined, F2Pool pays out to their designated Bitcoin wallet address.How is F2Pool’s security? F2Pool is protected by the secure HTTPS web protocol and uses a unique Bitcoin wallet lock feature. For security reasons, users cannot change their email address once registered. So if you’re going to use this pool, make sure you don’t lose access to your email account that you use to sign up with.


Another Bitcoin mining pool originally hailing from China, this BTCC Pool offers quite a bit in the way of a nice user interface and letting users know their stats. The creators of BTCC Pool also run a crypto exchange as well as create wallet software. These other projects add to the trustworthiness and legitimacy of this crypto company.

The BTCC Pool is also unique in a few other regards. Using the WeChat feature of the site, miners can see detailed statistics about themselves and the pool in general. Miners are able to track their hash power, the hash power of the entire pool, and the hash power of the whole Bitcoin network. All of this can be tracked in the BTCC Pool user interface.

BTCC Pool was launched in 2014, and also uses the Pay Per Share method for payout.

    What are BTCC Pool’s fees? BTCC Pool has a 2 percent transaction fee which is shared with the miners. It is important to note that BTCC Pool is planning to switch to a 1 percent transaction fee in the future, which will still be shared with the miners.How does BTCC Pool plols This mining pool doesn’t have a set threshold. Payments are made regularly based on shares contributed by your miners, directly to your specified Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 wallet address.How is BTCC Poolx security? BTCC Pool is transparent and run on dedicated servers by a crypto company. The site is protected by the HTTPS web security protocol.

Eligius Pool

Eligius Pool is a smaller, but popular and robust Bitcoin mining pool. It has a lot of neat features for users to take advantage of. Some of these features include detailed stats and infographics showing users their earnings and hash power, along with the hash power of the pool and other users. There’s even a leaderboard showing which users are dedicating the most hash power to the pool.

Anyone can join Eligius Pool with ease, as registration is not a requirement. There is even a working phone number for technical support.

Eligius Pool was launched in 2015, and uses the Pay Per Share method for payouts.

    What are Eligius Pool’s fees? There are zero fees on this mining pool.How does Eligius Pool pay? This mining pool does have a threshold. Users must reach earnings of up to 0.04194304 BTC before they are able to obtain payouts. After the threshold Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 reached, payouts bitccoin sent directly to the miner’s specified Bitcoin wallet address.How is Eligius Pool’s security? Eligius Pool imning unique with its security, and is serious about bitcin sure any changes you make are actually made by you. That is bjtcoin, before any changes are made to your account on Eligius Pool, you have to sign any changes made with your Bitcoin wallet address, which doubles as your username on Eligius Pool.

Ant Pool

Ant Pool is one of the largest and most well-known Bitcoin mining pools in the world. It was created by Bitmain, the manufacturer of bktcoin wildly popular Antminer ASIC mining machines. Bitmain also runs the BTC. com Pool.

Account registration on Ant Pool is completely free. Ant Pool has a lot of neat features for users to minnig. Some of these include the brilliant user interface that comes in handy for new miners, and a dashboard where the miner can see their earnings and hash power.

Ant Pool was launched in 2013 and features two payment methods that the user can choose from. The options are Pay Per Share and Pay Per Last N Share (PPLNS). These options also affect the transaction fees.

    What are Ant Pool’s fees? Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 fees on Ant Pool are decided by which payment method the user chooses. If choosing Pay Per Share, the transaction fee is 2.5 percent. If using the PPLNS payment method, there will be pokls fees.How does Ant Pool pay? Ant Pool does not have a payout threshold. Payments are made every morning around 10 AM UTC for every miner who holds an earnings balance of at least 0.001 BTC.How is Ant Pool’s security? Security wise, Ant Pool is one of the most robust around. Ant Pool offers two Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 authentication for signing in, and opols alerts for users to know when unauthorized activity is detected on their account. Ant Pool also offers Bitcoin wallet locks.

It is also vastly important to know how to get set up and going with a pool once you have decided on which one you’d like to contribute to.

So, What is the Best Mining Pool?

It is very Best bitcoin mining pools 2015, if not impossible, to choose the best bitcoin 20015 pool. More seasoned crypto miners may have preferences for some pools that others may not care about as much. Out of all of these options, however, the best for new miners to go with might be BTC. com Pool.

For the new miner just getting started, or even just a miner who wants a one stop shop for their mining, BTC. com’s pool offers quite the hard-to-resist package. Not only does it offer great security and a good payout structure, but it also has a sleek user interface and even a mobile app.

Users 2051 want to keep up with their BTC. com pool earnings while on the go need only download and install the BTC. com mobile application for their Apple iPhone or iPad, or their Android smartphone or tablet. They can then see the same dashboard they can see on the website, complete with their current poops and payouts, hash power for each miner, and even which of their miners are online or offline.

With all of these things going for the pool, it makes BTC. com’s pool a hard one to resist for anyone who likes to have everything in one place. This level of organization is a great place to start for new miners especially. It 215 doesn’t hurt that the BTC. com pool was started by Bitmain, a huge manufacturer of Bitcoin mining equipment and one of the biggest names in the Bitcoin mining community.

Directing Your Hashpower to the Mining Pool of Your Choosing

After you’ve done your research on the cornucopia of mining pools available to miners all over the world and decided which nest you’d like to join, it’s time to point your miners towards bitcoiin pool.

It is easy to get your hardware set up with the pool of your choosing. Just follow a few biitcoin steps, and you’ll be mining in no time.

Find your pool’s address.

This usually starts with ‘stratum+tcp&rsquo.Identify your Bitcoin wallet address.

You can find this easily by looking at the receive tab of almost any Bitcoin wallet software.Point your miner’s software towards the pool address, and input your Bitcoin address for payments.

Unless your mining pool has you do this step through a web portal, you’ll need to point your mining hardware to your mining pool of choice. Take your pool address you found earlier and enter it. You will then want to enter your Bitcoin wallet address so the pool will know where to send your earnings.

The steps can vary based on what pool and what mining hardware you’re using, so Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 sure to do some research.

Now, Get Out There and Start Mining

Now you know the basics of Bitcoin mining pools and how you can make Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 informed decision Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 the best poils for you to conduct your mining efforts. You’ve learned about some of the best pools, their pay structures, and their security features.

So Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 are you waiting for? Point your mining Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 to your favorite pool and start mining today.

One comment

Bitcoin mining is still one of the most relevant ways to earn BTC. However, because of the rapidly rising mining difficulty, Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 requirements for mining equipment are growing, too. While some five years ago you could mine BTC with your smartphone, today even Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 most powerful graphics cards prove to be inefficient.

Before you start using your ASICs, GPUs, or whatever piece of equipment you have, you need to Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 which type of mining to choose. There are two: solo and pool mining. Before Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency industry became widespread, solo mining Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 very common: miners had enough technological capacity to mine new blocks and enjoyed generous BTC rewards.

Before 2017, the complexity of mining and the general hash rate used to be Best bitcoin mining pools 2015. However, as the number of miners increased, so grew the need for powerful equipment and energy-intensive farms. Now, in 2020, building your own mining rig is quite expensive and is not always financially justified.

The solution? Hunt for BTC together with other miners! 

What is a Bitcoin Mining Pool?

When miners’ own capacity proved to be lacking, they decided to combine the power of their equipment. This is how mining pools appeared. A mining pool is a website that divides the big task (calculations) into small ones and distributes them between the capacities of different devices connected to it. When a group of miners generates a block, it shares the award among all participants. The more tasks are solved by a miner’s device, the more BTC its owner will get.

While mining pools will not generate BTC for you, they will help you find Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 you can combine your power with. Some websites also offer Bitcoin cloud mining. Such platforms allow users to form miner groups and distribute the reward in a fair, transparent way.

Is It Profitable to Mine Bitcoin in 2020?

Well, the short answer is yes, of course. Now, let’s get to the longer answer.

Despite the appearance of a significant amount of altcoins, Bitcoin is still the most popular crypto out there. At the moment of writing this article, its cost is $5,160.99, and none of the altcoins is even close to reaching that. However, this popularity also has a price.

Since there is a finite amount of bitcoins and a lot of people are after them, solo mining it would be extremely difficult, if not outright impossible. That’s where Bitcoin mining pools are coming in. By combining your Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 power with others, there is a higher chance of you striking the prize block. And even though you will have to share it and pay a fee, it is still better than having nothing besides electricity bills.

Current Bitcoin Hashrate Distribution

On this pie chart, you can see the Bitcoin mining pool distribution by the share & hash rate:

As you can see, the most popular BTC mining pools are F2Pool, Poolin, Antpool, BTC. com, OKExPool, and ViaBTC.

Bitcoin Mining Pools Comparison

Let’s compare the largest Bitcoin mining pools:

1. F2pool

    Hash rate: 19,891.79 PH/sShare: 19.42%

F2pool was the first Chinese project of its kind. Currently, it is the best crypto mining tool in terms of the number of supported currencies. Initially, they only focused Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 Bitcoin, but then ETH was introduced in 2015, and by 2019, they added a Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 variety of other coins.

BY 2020, F2Pool again took the first place, growing its hash rates, so it remains one of the best Bitcoin mining sites in China and around the world. The website supports both English and Spanish. The current transaction fee is 1.36%.

So, what’s so special about this platform? F2Pool Is a decentralized platform, which makes it more trustworthy for the client.The platform’s reputation has never been tarnished. Both Android and iOS apps are available for personal account management. 

Simplicity and reliability – that’s what miners value F2Pool for.

2. Poolin

    Hash rate: 18,839.87Share: 17.97%

Poolin lets the user mine Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Litecoin, Decred, Dash, ZCash, Monero, and Electroneum on ASICs and graphics processors from Nvidia and AMD. It supports several reward systems including PPS, FPPS and PPLNS. The payments are made once a day at 12 AM (UTC+2). The minimum withdrawal amount depends on the cryptocurrency.

Although Poolin is a young project, it has quickly become one of the top 10 BTC mining sites as it not only supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies and payment methods but also has such cool features as:

    Mining profitability calculator;personal account available on Android and IOS (the application displays network hash rate and provides access to the mining profitability calculator);moderate transaction commission (1.07%);an internal PIN token, which serves as proof of participation in the Poolin community.

3. Antpool

    Hash rate: 10,174.24 PH/sShare: 10.14%

The AntPool project was established in February 2014. The creator, Bitmain Technology, manufactured ASIC devices that needed to be tested. So, this is why the company launched its own mining pool. The project turned out to be successful and met the expectations of both developers and users.

Already in the middle of 2014, the project became one of Bitcoin mining leaders. In May 2016, Antpool Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 announced support for Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 and Litecoin. Later in the same year, Ethereum Classic, Zcash and DASH were also introduced. In August 2018, AntPool announced the transition to the SegWit2X protocol.

Aside from offering group mining, Antpool also supports The cloud mining feature in solo mode. The platform and their customer service are both available in different languages. 

The funds can be withdrawn daily, and the commission is minimal. The only condition for the withdrawal is the presence of a new block. There are three payment methods available:

    Pay Per Share (PPS) – a payment on receiving the share. Miners receive rewards only when they provide proof of work;Pay Per Last N Shares (PPLNS) – rewards are awarded for a certain number of points sent by the miner in case the block is in the pool. There are no commissions in this case;Solo – the entire reward for the found hash goes to one miner. The commission is 1%.

4. BTC.Com

    Hash rate: 11,281.91 PH/sShare: 11.01%

BTC. com was first launched in 2015 as a block explorer. While this function remains, BTC. com has evolved since then. Now, it offers a variety of services to its Best bitcoin mining pools 2015, including the mining pool and a wallet. While it remained largely unnoticed before now, by 2020 BTC quickly rose the ranks, making it one of the most Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 BTC mining pools. 

What made it so big?

    Firstly, developers managed to increase Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 hash rate;Secondly, they managed to Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 continuous development and release of new features and services, allowing for a regular increase of their userbase.

5. ViaBTC

    Hash rate: 6,825.75 PH/sShare: 6.38%

ViaBTC is a large mining pool that provides cloud mining of popular cryptocurrencies. The pool’s competitive advantage is its paid “transaction acceleration” service that increases the priority of BTC transactions. The so-called AsicBoost function makes BTC and BCH mining more cost-effective.

When the cloud mining service was first launched on the site in October 2016, only BTC was supported. And then from August 2017 to February 2018, the developers also launched BCH, DASH, ZEC, ETH, ETC and XMR mining. 

Aside from group mining, ViaBTC also has cloud mining in solo mode. The website is available in Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese and Russian languages. The application on Android and iOS allows monitoring hash rate and profit. In addition, there is also an online Mining Profit Calculator.

ViaBTC supports three payment options:

    Pay Per Share + (PPS) – payment upon receipt of the share. Miners receive remuneration only when they provide proof of work. The commission is 4% for the block and 2% for the transaction;Pay Per Last N Shares (PPLNS) – the reward is awarded for a certain number of points sent by the miner if the block is in the pool. The commission is 2%;Solo – the reward goes to one miner, the commission is 1%.

6. OKExPool

    Hash rate: 6,263.23 PH/sShare: 6.09%

OKEx is one of the major multicurrency exchange platforms, so it should come as no surprise that its developers decided to expand their business further. Thus, OKExPool was born. Right now, it is one of the biggest mining pools out there, allowing users to mine various cryptocurrencies.

It was created by a Chinese developer team, and like many other Chinese mining pools it has a few issues:

    OKExPool has problems supporting non-Chinese clients;The overall quality of the platform lacks polish;

Other than that, OKEx is a good platform for miners, as it keeps growing and developing.

7. 1THash

    Hash rate: 5,165.47  PH/sShare: 5.07%

A relatively new mining pool that was developed by a Chinese company Chengdu Wanyou Computing Technology in 2018. Since then, 1THash continued to grow and evolve, turning into a popular platform. It is a BTC-oriented mining pool, so developers can concentrate solely on improving user’s interaction with Bitcoin mining.

However, that also means that you won’t be able to mine altcoins on the same platform, so if you prefer to have multiple crypto at hand, you should probably look at other platforms. It also concentrates on Chinese miners, so there is no English language available at the moment this article was written.

8. Huobi. pool

    Hash rate: 5,368.49 PH/sShare: 5.25%

Huobi Pool is a multi-currency pool that was founded in 2018 on the basis of the Huobi Global cryptocurrency exchange. The first cryptocurrency supported by the site was Bitcoin, and, later, the platform introduced mining of BCH, ETH, ETC, LTC, and DCR, as well as GRIN, SC and TRTL. The main advantage of Huobi Pool is the support of PoW mining in combination with DPoS voting modes for EOS. The pool became the world’s largest EOS voting platform.

Huobi Pool is positioned as a multi-purpose and multi-currency mining platform. It supports FPPS Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 rewards for BTC and ETH, as well as the PPS model for other cryptocurrencies. When it comes to EOS Super Community, this service provides users with professional DPoS voting in the EOS cryptocurrency network. At the time of writing this article, the transaction fee was as low as 0.78 %.

9. Slush Pool

    Hash rate: 3,815.67 PH/sShare: 3.72%

The platform was introduced on November 27, 2010 by Satoshi Labs. In the summer of 2017, the site became the leader in Bitcoin mining. After the BTC fork, BCH appeared, and Antpool shifted part of its capacity to Bitcoin Cash, which led to SlushPool’s leadership. In 2017, the pool introduced a fixed commission of 2%. In 2018 SlushPool ranked third for the share of production of the first cryptocurrency.

The pool features a hybrid reward system, a combination of PPLNS and PROP:

    Pay Per Last N Shares (PPLNS) – the award is given based on the number of balls sent by the miner in the case of finding the block by Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 pool;Proportional (PROP) – the reward is calculated proportionally to the contribution of each pool member to the mining process.

The Chinese competition with low commissions has additional fees that the user learns about during the Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 process. SlushPool’s management has Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 those by setting a 2% fixed withdrawal fee. They use the Score method to calculate fees, which does not allow participants to connect to other mining pools. Developers also introduced automatic withdrawal, but it is only available if the threshold value is reached. 

10. BytePool

    Hash rate: 2,293.55 PH/sShare: 2.25%

Another Chinese mining pool, BytePool was launched in 2019, which makes it a newcomer, especially compared to some other pools on the list. Currently, BytePool supports BTC and ETH, which is more than enough in terms of the most popular crypto, though there is still room for improvement. Despite the fact that BytePool was launched very recently, its team has been working on it since 2016, adding a lot of polish to the platform.

Despite that, BytePool shares the same flaw that most Chinese mining pools have: it targets mostly Chinese-speaking auditory. So you will need to adapt to use its features at 100%.

11. Rawpool

    Hash rate: 2542.69 PH/s Share: N/A

Another newcomer to the mining pool scene, Rawpool was first launched in February 2018. With Chinese miners being the most active in the world, it comes as no surprise that this mining pool is also developed by the Chinese team.

It is also one of the very few Bitcoin Cash-oriented mining pools. Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 operates on the Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 Pay-Per Share (FPPS) approach and has a VIP program, offering 24/7 support and consultation to their most prized users, along with a lower fee (the standard being 3.5%).

Bottom Line

Solo mining is expensive and not always cost-efficient, so you can achieve better results by joining forces with peers. We hope our Bitcoin mining pool overview can help you make an informed decision and increase your crypto riches.

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Best Bitcoin Mining Pools 2020 in Review (+ Fee Comparison) | CaptainAltcoin

Top 5 Bitcoin Mining Pools

Despite the recent launch of many new virtual currencies, bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency. It continues to retain the oools spot for being used in financial transactions, for mining activities, and bitxoin market capitalization.

List of Top 5 Bitcoin Mining Pools

The list is presented in descending order of the bitcoin blocks found by the particular mining pool in the last six months, as per statistics available on portals like Blocktrail and Blockchain. info.

1. AntPool

AntPool is operated by a privately-owned company called Bitmain Technologies Ltd. that's based in Beijing, China. The company was set up to design new-age ASIC chips that were capable of bitcoin mining.

Within the last six months, Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 has discovered the maximum number of bitcoin blocks, around 18% of the total discovered blocks, making it a consistent top ranker in Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 list of mining pools. AntPool’s pool hashrate currently stands at around 3600 Petahash/second (PH/s).

2. BTC. com

The second-largest mining pool that produced the maximum number of bitcoin blocks after AntPool over the past six months is operated by BTC. com. It generated around 16.5% of bitcoin blocks. The pool was launched in September 2016, and is currently owned by Bitmain Minng Ltd., the same Chinese firm that runs AntPool.

BTC. com supports full pay-per-share (FPPS) payout methodology. Proponents claim that's more beneficial to miners as it calculates and adds a standard transaction fee to the regular block rewards, making the overall payout higher than the standard pay-per-share (PPS) payout. It currently maintains a hashrate of 5.88 Exahash per second (EH/s).


The third-place holder is BTC. TOP, and it has mined a little over 13% of the total bitcoins in the past six months. In August 2017, the pool offered the option to mine Bitcoin Cash (BCC), in addition minng bitcoin. The pool hashrate hovers in the range of around 3100 Petahash/second (PH/s).

4. ViaBTC

Fourth on the list is ViaBTC, a diversified pool that offers options to mine different kinds of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, ETH, ETC, ZEC and Dash. During the past six months, ViaBTC generated around 11.5% of total bitcoin blocks, and it currently maintains a pool hashrate of 2.772 Exahash per second (EH/s) for its bitcoin mining pool.

5. Slush

One of the oldest mining pools, Slush pool takes the fifth spot for mining the largest number of bitcoin blocks. It was started in December 2010, and has since mined over 1 million BTC coins. It managed Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 collect around Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 of total bitcoins mined during the last six months. It has a pool hashrate of around 2.342 Exahash per second (EH/s).

Since mining is a dynamic activity, the number of blocks discovered by a particular pool may change based on the pool’s activity and the varying difficulty levels of mining. (For more, see How Does Bitcoin Mining Work?)

Investing in cryptocurrencies and other Initial Coin Offerings ("ICOs") is highly risky and speculative, and this article is not a recommendation by Investopedia or the writer to invest in cryptocurrencies or other ICOs. Since each individual's situation is unique, a qualified professional should Best bitcoin mining pools 2015 be consulted before gitcoin any financial decisions. Investopedia makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein.

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