среда, 6 мая 2020 г.

Bitcoin mining gpu review. Is it worth to start mining Cryptocurrencies in 2020?. Best Bitcoin Mining Software of 2020

Best GPU for Mining – Top 6 Choices

Is it worth mining Cryptocurrencies in 2020?

What to mine and how to mine? Mining cryptocurrency is dead, they say.

There are many ways to mine crypto, but which cryptocurrencies are the most profitable? Should you buy a Bitcoin mining gpu review rig yourself or do cloud mining? How to calculate the profits? We will discuss all that and compare the three main ways to see which one is the most profitable.

So what is cryptocurrency mining?

Mining is the process of validating other user’s transactions (e. g. bitcoin transactions) with a computer and then adding them to the blockchain. As a reward, miners receive cryptocurrency.

3 Main Ways to Mine Cryptocurrency ⚡

    GPU mining (mining on video cards)ASIC miningCloud mining

1. GPU Mining 

GPU Mining is using video graphics cards to mine cryptocurrencies. Here's a guide to help you choose the best graphics cards for mining. Some of the most popular GPUs are NVIDIA GTX1060, GTX1070 and GTX1080Ti as well as RADEON models RX470/RX480 RX570/RX580. Should be noted that RADEON GPUs consumes more electricity but are generally cheaper than NVIDIA GPUs. In terms of performance, NVIDIA GPUs are generally better. However, any GPU performance highly depends on the price of electricity. Thus, all aspects should be taken into account.

Most crucial factors of the mining process

    Cost of electricitycryptocurrency priceslevel of mining difficultyGPU performance (hash rate per watt)

Crypto investor’s essential: break-even point of the investment

Another significant issue that smart investors would consider is the cost of mining equipment (mining Bitcoin mining gpu review. The cheaper you manage to buy the mining rig, the faster your investment will be paid off. Don’t forget that the price must not be your only factor when making a final decision on mining hardware. Having a warranty in case the GPU or any other part will fail is essential. Otherwise, there will be a need for extra investment.

How to start mining Ethereum?

Ethereum is one of the most popular altcoins for mining, we will briefly describe how the process looks.

First, you need to get a mining rig, see list of all components required to build your first one below. Second, you must configure BIOS correctly, install OS and required software. Third, specify details of the mining pool and your personal cryptocurrency wallet (the one you will get proceeds to).

Note, currently Ethereum is running proof of work system which makes it possible to mine, but it was announced that the proof of stake system to be introduced in the future. Plan still officially remains, so Ethereum miners should be aware that it will impossible to mine once the new protocol is updated.

That’s it, you are good to go. Further, we cover some specific aspects you should be aware of while getting your mining rig ready.

What hardware do you need to build your own mining rig on video cards?

In order to build your first mining rig, you will need a case/chassis (it can be bought online or you can make it yourself) and mining hardware, which includes:

    Motherboard (number of active PCI slots must not be less than the number Bitcoin mining gpu review GPU you plan to employ)Storage: SSD disk (16gb is enough for LINUX)RAM (4GB) PSU (power supply depends on the mining rig, see next section for details)Processor (any that is suitable for chosen motherboard)Risers (PCIe Riser is used to provide additional space for GPUs. It is often the basic component of the multi-GPU mining rig, as the PCIe riser actually provides the additional space to place multiple GPUs in the GPU mining rig.)Video cards (cards with higher computing power will ensure higher hash rate and thus higher rewards)Wattmeter (to monitor actual power consumption on the power socket)

As you can see it is generally the same list as if you were building a PC.

How to calculate the required Power Supply Bitcoin mining gpu review mining with video card?

It is important to calculate how much power you need to supply your GPUs. So here is an example of how you can calculate it.

EXAMPLE RIG: 6 Video cards NVIDIA GTX1070

    General system will require 150wGPUs: 120w x 6 = 720wRisers 60w x 6 = 360wTotal: 150w + 720w + 360w = 1230w

Thus, Bitcoin mining gpu review need either 1 power supply with at least 1200w or 2 power supplies connected together, where each is at least 600w.

Having that in mind, you can check what are the best pricing options you can get, as the cheaper, you can get the mining rig, the faster Bitcoin mining gpu review can get it paid off reaching the break-even point on your investment.

Which OS and mining software to choose for mining with GPU?

Most popular options of OS for miner are:

    Windows 10HIVE OS (Linux modification for mining)ETH OS (Linux modification for mining)

We will not go deep examining the advantages and disadvantages of each OS, instead, we will only share our experience. Bitcoin mining gpu review Windows for mining sounds attractive, but in reality, this is probably the most unstable and complicated option if we dive into details. However, it is probably the least scary option if you want to try mining with Bitcoin mining gpu review existing PC to see how it generally works and get a concrete understanding.

HiveOS is a relatively new option which is free to connect first 3 mining rigs and is quite straightforward to set up and to run. After you run the mining rig with pre-installed HiveOS Linux build the process will ask you to connect the mining rig Bitcoin mining gpu review created in your online cabinet. Then, all configuration and management happen online.

Once you set up the OS you will need to install a mining software, choosing the most popular is a safe and stable option:

Choosing more exotic altcoins for mining may require less popular mining software.

Best Cryptocurrency to Mine with GPU in 2020?

Most profitable altcoins for your GPUs can change any day, any time as it involves a number of factors, but most importantly it will depend on the price of the altcoin. You can check https://whattomine. com to see most profitable altcoin for your mining rig.

Still, apart from using available mining profitability calculators, we suggest thinking long term. Ethereum is altcoin No1 of cryptocurrency industry with a strong team behind and relatively long Bitcoin mining gpu review. We’ve seen the price of Ethereum reaching 1300 USD in January 2018. Mining Ethereum may not be the most profitable option today, but if you hold your mining rewards and sell later Bitcoin mining gpu review highs, what would be with your mining rig’s profitability? Yes, it will be higher.

Overclocking a Mining GPU optimally

Your overclocking strategy may change if you have cheap electricity or willing to get as much crypto as fast as you can (in that case you may want to consider simply buying Bitcoin or Ethereum on the market). General idea to keep in mind, the higher you set the overclocking the more power your mining rig will consume. Thus, make sure that the extra hash rate will still make sense because your electricity costs will increase.

Search for optimal settings online carefully, as it may allow you to both increase hash rate and reduce power consumption.

How to Choose a Cryptocurrency Mining Pool?

Your main concern with regards to mining pool should be its size and capacity to operate stably. We Bitcoin mining gpu review to start with: 

Is it too late to start mining Ethereum?

It may be late for some people and still fine for others. Other things being equal, the cost of electricity should be your first concern. If you are lucky to be living in a country with cheap electricity (less than 0.1 USD kWh), then it may be a good idea to consider mining as an Bitcoin mining gpu review Mining in 2020: Is It Profitable and Should You Start?

Let’s take an example, imagine you’ve built a mining rig with NVIDIA GTX 1070 video cards. Now let’s take a look at a fair result of the miner:

Price of mining rig hardware: 3000 EUR

Target altcoin for mining: Ethereum

Altcoin price on the market: 280 Euro per 1 ETH

Hash Bitcoin mining gpu review 180MH/s

Reward per 24h: 0.0144 ETH

Reward, 30 days: 0.432 ETH

Bitcoin mining gpu review expenses (kWh): 518

Cost of electricity: 77 EUR (at a cost of 0.15 EUR per kWh) 

Revenue per month: 121 (current price of Ethereum is 280 EUR)

Profit per month: 44 EUR

Calculated at Bitcoin mining gpu review mining calculator WhatToMine

If the price of Ethereum is unchanged then it will take 68 months to reach a break-even point on your investment. However, if Bitcoin mining gpu review accumulate all proceeds and in case Ethereum costs 600 EUR in 6 months, then your electricity expenses would be 462 EUR, while rewards would be equal to 1555 EUR, which leaves you with 1093 EUR of profit for a period of 6 months.

In case the price of Ethereum will Bitcoin mining gpu review 1000 EUR in 6 month and you sell your accumulated Ethereum, then your profits would be 2130 euro, which makes it a lot more attractive, right?

You can see that any scenario highly depends Bitcoin mining gpu review your price Bitcoin mining gpu review and strategy you follow while mining.

Mining Bitcoin mining gpu review obviously a risky thing, but in some cases, it can be highly profitable.


    GPU can be sold easier than ASICEasy to switch Cryptocurrency (having a huge choice of altcoins to mine)Reprogrammable


    High Power Consumption for typical householdsEasily Affected by Disruptions (not too stable)Needs a PCRequires hardware knowledge if you are going to maintain it yourselfRequire less Mining Power than ASICs

2. ASIC Mining

ASIC mining is using Application-Specific chips to mine. That alone tells you, that you will not be able to switch between the high number of cryptocurrencies when using this mining method. Each ASIC is capable of mining only on a specific algorithm. For example, Bitcoin is based on SHA256 algorithm and apart from mining Bitcoin, it is also possible to do mining of other coins, for example, Bitcoin Cash.

Largest ASIC producers:

ASIC profitability example

To see if ASIC mining can still be profitable let’s look at the latest miner – Bitmain’s Antiminer S17, a powerful bitcoin mining hardware.

Price of miner: 2410 euro for pre-order in 6 months (at the moment of review)

Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin

Hash rate: 53TH/s

Bitcoin reward per 24h: 0.00172 BTC

Bitcoin reward, 30 days: 0.0516 BTC

Electricity expenses (kWh): 1512

Cost of electricity: 227 EUR (at a cost of 0.15 EUR per kWh) 

Revenue per month: 557 EUR (current price Bitcoin mining gpu review bitcoin is 10800 EUR)

Profit per month: 330 EUR

Calculated at bitcoin mining calculator – WhatToMine

In this example, we get a break-event period at 7.3 months in case the Bitcoin price stays the same. This is the latest mining ASIC which is quite difficult to get right now, currently, you have to wait for 4-6 month depending on reseller.

To conclude, mining most popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin looks pretty attractive, especially if Bitcoin mining gpu review Bitcoin price will grow even further.


    ASIC Bitcoin mining gpu review is Bitcoin mining gpu review to start than GPU miningHighest power consumptionLatest ASIC can become outdated faster than the latest GPUsNo PC neededLess chance of disruptions compared to GPU miningPlug and play


    List of cryptocurrencies to switch to is shortNeeds proper Cooling. Generally, ASICs produce a lot more heat than GPUs. Can be hard to sell, if it’s not the latest model of ASICProfitability highly depend on Bitcoin priceDifficulty can be Bitcoin mining gpu review at any time if large players come (unlike GPU mining, ASIC mining can easily be scaled and controlled, thus it happened to be highly attractive for large investors, which eventually shows a significant impact on the bitcoin network mining difficulty)

3. Cloud Mining

Cloud mining is when you rent hashing power from a mining company and they do it all for you. You don't have to worry about electricity or finding a place for the equipment. It is very easy and cheap to start. But we do it for profits, so which is more profitable? 


Main profit factors:

    Cost of electricity (the cheaper the electricity the more profit you get)Mining rewards (the more mining reward is the more profit you get)Price of cryptocurrency (higher price makes more profit)Cloud mining fee (for cloud mining only, higher fee means lower profit)Mining difficulty (higher is the mining difficulty, the lower will be the mining reward, hence lower profit)

If you do some research, the public opinions about cloud mining are not too great. The cloud mining Giants:

These are the biggest players in the cloud mining game, which can Bitcoin mining gpu review you the best deals. The thing about mining is that the profits are not stable, so it's hard to tell how much exactly will you earn. The value of a cryptocurrency being mined is constantly changing. It also depends on how much mining power are you renting.

Note, with the most stable mining companies the entry investment barrier is significantly higher. Most of the Bitcoin mining gpu review who targeted retail and offered to start with investments of 500 USD are gone now.

Profit Formula of mining

Calculate how much of a specific currency will you mine and follow the value of it. WhatToMine is a great tool to calculate mining profits. It may look complicated at first, here's Bitcoin mining gpu review guide telling you how to use it. Once you know your mining power, find out your electricity costs and how much power your mining hardware power consumes. Then, subtract Bitcoin mining gpu review bills Bitcoin mining gpu review the mining yields and what's left is your profit. 

Where do I get proceeds from mining?

It may be very obvious for those who have already tried mining or is deep into crypto but if you are new, it might not be that clear – “how, where and when do I get my rewards for mining”.

First, as you set up your mining rig, you will define to which address you will receive the mining reward. Second, as you will successfully do mining your balance on the mining pool will be increasing. Once you reach the minimum level, the pay-out will be made to your account. Thus, depending on the results of your mining rig you will be receiving accumulated rewards every time threshold is reached.

With cloud mining, it works in a similar way but terms can differ from company to company.

Do I need to pay taxes on mining?

Depending on a place you live you may need to pay tax on rewards you get from mining. In most countries, you would Bitcoin mining gpu review to pay tax on income. However, in Bitcoin mining gpu review countries, cryptocurrencies are still not legalized, thus unless you sell your mining rewards and receive fiat money (USD, EUR, GBP, etc.) to your bank account, you may be exempt of taxes (this is a not a financial advice, please confirm with your State Tax Office for details).

Read more on mining taxation in the US, UK, Japan and Russia in this guide.

What should I do with the mining rewards? Hold, Trade or convert to fiat?

Simple but important aspect: as soon as you sell your cryptocurrency you fix your gains or losses. In case you decided to follow a holding strategy, you always have to keep in mind that you would be holding Bitcoin mining gpu review crypto assets up to the point at which you would like to spend them. Therefore, your potential gains or losses would depend on the point of entry and exit of your investment. In case you believe in short term growth, you should probably exit once you believe crypto has reached its peak and re-enter in your investment positions at better/lower price. 

Apart from the typical question of Bitcoin mining gpu review you should hold or sell, there are alternatives. First, you can learn to trade and try to make more crypto. What’s great about the cryptocurrency market is that you have tonnes of cryptocurrency pairs, so you can trade ETH against other cryptocurrencies with the aim of the increasing amount of Ethereum. This is especially positive thing as Bitcoin mining gpu review trading against fiat on both bullish and bearish market sentiments is a very risky thing.

Second, you can go for social trading, which essentially employs the idea of copy-trading behind it. On a typical social trading platform, there are two groups of users, crypto traders on the one side and beginner traders (also know as copy-traders or investors) on the other. Traders simply trade through the platform (like Wunderbit Trading) and try to show as best statistics as they can, while Investors are screening through the Traders’ list and try to select the best performer.

Once the best match to the risk and reward appetite is found, Investor can then start to follow and copy trade the Trader. Copy-trading (also known as mirror trading or shadow trading) allow Investor to automatically execute the same trades as the Trader.

There are differences across platforms, almost each has its own interpretation of social trading Bitcoin mining gpu review technical functionality. It’s yet great to have such a variety of options, thus allowing to invest your crypto and make it work.

Note, some platforms allow to make the whole simulation but every trade is made against a broker. In such cases, it’s always a bet, where you can make Bitcoin mining gpu review of fiat money or less. Still, there are platforms that are built on top of exchanges (e. g. Binance and Kraken), which means that behind each trade there will be your crypto.

Wunderbit Trading is a typical crypto social trading example of a platform that is built on top of the largest crypto exchange – Binance, where Investors don’t send their holding to anyone, they simply connect API to allow Bitcoin mining gpu review Trading platform to copy trade Bitcoin mining gpu review the Trader that was selected by the Investor.


To summarise, mining can still be a great way to profit from cryptocurrencies. Mining is not dead.

Today is 5th July 2019, cost of Ethereum (one of the most popular coins to be Bitcoin mining gpu review on GPU) is 290 USD. In countries, where the cost of electricity is higher or equal to 0.24 USD mining, mining profit is zero, if the cost is lower, Bitcoin mining gpu review are in profit. Few examples.

Countries with the cheapest electricity include Ukraine, where 1 kWh costs only 4.1 cents USD meaning that running a six-card mining rig of NVIDIA GTX1070 would profit you a 3.46 USD daily (per month 103.8 USD), thus if the mining rig was bought for 2000 USD (price of pre-owned mining rig), then it would take you 19 month to break-even your investment.

Source: https://ec. europa. eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index. php/Electricity_price_statistics

Another great way to profit Bitcoin mining gpu review cryptocurrencies is to start trading. Although trading crypto is not easy, some say that crypto trading is the best strategy you can follow right now, since mining difficulty has increased significantly and the cryptocurrency value is not that high.

Thank You for Reading!

We hope this article was helpful. Subscribe to our Blog to get the latest cryptocurrency news and tips on how to profit from them. Read our comprehensive guide on whether you should buy bitcoin and how to do it at Wunderbit's bitcoin exchange.

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Digital currency mining has become a popular way for tech-savvy individuals to generate a return in the digital currency markets. However, as mining difficulties increase and Bitcoin mining gpu review market becomes more and more competitive, miners need to ensure that they have the best crypto mining rigs to maximize revenues.

Here is a look at the best mining rigs to help you choose which ones are right for you and your mining operation.

NameDescriptionPrice in USDHash PowerEnergy ConsumptionBeginner FriendlinessNumber of Minable CoinsScore
Antminer T15The Antminer T15, created and distributed by Chinese mining company Bitmain, is a popular piece of mining hardware due to its efficiency.~90023.TH/S0.067 W/GH410+4
Antminer S9The Antminer S9 is a powerful but cost-effective SHA-256 mining rig created by Bitmain.~30013.5TH/S0.098W/GH410+4
Antminer L3/L3+ Scrypt MinerThe Antminer L3/L3+ Scrypt Miner is an ASIC miner designed specifically to mine Litecoin.~65580MH/s561W/GH413
Shark MiniThe Shark Mini is a compact GPU mining rig that Bitcoin mining gpu review known to be customizable and easy to use.~2500120MH/S400W-600W / 5A310+2.5
Shark Bitcoin mining gpu review 2 (8 GPU)The Shark Extreme 2 (8 GPU) is an eight GPU card mining rig that is a popular choice for GPU-based mining setups.~4500120MH/S400W-600W / 5A310+2.5
Monero Miner 5000 H/sThe Monero Miner 5000 H/s is a customizable GPU-based mining rig specifically designed for Monero Bitcoin mining gpu review / 5A512
INNOSILICON TERMINATOR3The INNOSILICON TERMINATOR3 is new SHA-256 ASIC mining device with a good standing in the market.~225043TH/s48.83W/TH410+4

IMPORTANT NOTES: The hash power and energy consumption values of the GPU mining rigs are based on the assumption that the rigs are fitted out with the relevant number of AMD RX graphic cards

Should You Still Mine Digital Currencies in 2020?

Digital currency mining has had an incredible rollercoaster ride in the last 36 months. During the big bitcoin gold rush of late 2017, bitcoin and altcoin miners were making bank and mining hardware providers were barely able to keep up with demand.

In 2018, it all went downhill as digital asset prices tanked aggressively from their all-time highs. As a result, digital currency mining also became less profitable as the number of miners had grown substantially – and thus also the mining difficulty – but asset prices dropped and miners’ profits started to erode.

In late 2018, the bitcoin mining bear market peaked when bitcoin dropped below the $4,000 mark, at which points bitcoin mining became no longer profitable for Bitcoin mining gpu review mining operations that are not able to capitalize on the economies of scale from which its larger counterparts can benefit.

Going forward, digital currency mining profitability will be dependent on where the market will go next. If we see a rally again, miners will see profits again and more miners will (re)join the market.

Whether you want to start to mine digital currencies or not is entirely up to you. If you are only in it for the money, then it is probably best to wait for market prices to hit a level where mining makes sense (and cents) again.

However, if you want to learn about cryptocurrency networks, the blockchain, and how mining actually works, then you could start immediately with one of the more affordable miners and look at it more as an experiment than an investment venture.

Finally, it is important to remember that miners help to secure digital currency networks and, thus, play an integral role in the blockchain revolution. Therefore, you can also look at mining as Bitcoin mining gpu review contribution to an industry that has the potential to change the world and increase the value of your portfolio along the way.

Related Articles:

If you want to learn more about digital currency mining and the new finance market, subscribe to the Bitcoin Market Journal newsletter and join the blockchain revolution today!

The Best GPUs for Mining in 2019 - Crypto Mining Blog

Best mining GPU 2020: the best graphics cards for mining Bitcoin, Ethereum and more

If you’re looking for the best mining GPU for delving into cryptocurrency mining, then you’ve come to the Bitcoin mining gpu review place. Excellent mining GPUs need enough memory and power for mining without breaking the bank. And, we’ve got the best of them right here. After all, when you start mining for Bitcoin or Ethereum, you won’t be yielding large amounts of Bitcoin mining gpu review to start. Minimizing your initial costs as much as possible, therefore, is ideal.

Cryptocurrency may not be as Bitcoin mining gpu review as it used to be, but that doesn’t mean it’s dead. Bitcoin, Ethereum and other crypto coins are still Bitcoin mining gpu review, while others are booming, which means that there’s still a demand for mining GPUs. That means that there’s still quite a few of them out there, all vying for your money.

Let us help you find the best one for you. Keeping price and efficiency in mind, we gathered the best mining GPUs money can buy in 2020. We’ve also included our exclusive price comparison tool, so you get the best price on whichever one you pick. This way, you can maximize your profits and start making your initial investment back as quickly as possible.

AMD Radeon VII

7nm, meet cryptocurrency

Core Clock: 1,400MHz | Memory: 16GB HBM2 | Memory Clock: 4Gbps | Power Connectors: 2 x 8-pin | Power Draw: 300W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0

Plenty of VRAM

Runs cool

Power hungry

AMD made headlines in 2017 when it released the AMD Vega 64, as not only was that graphics card good at gaming, but it also quickly rose to fame as a cryptocurrency mining champion. The AMD Radeon VII takes things to a whole new Bitcoin mining gpu review, tripling the Vega 64’s hash rate to 90MH/s right out of the box. That’s more powerful than the significantly pricier Nvidia Titan V, making the Radeon VII the new king of the cryptocurrency mining scene. It helps that this Bitcoin mining gpu review is only $700.

Read the full review: AMD Radeon VII

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070

Low power draw, high hash rate

Core Clock: 1,506MHz | Memory: 8GB GDDR5 | Memory Clock: 8Gbps | Power Connectors: 1 x 8-pin | Power Draw: 150W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0, DL-DVI

Good balance of power and hash rate

High amount of memory


The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 isn't just a great graphics card for gaming, it's also an excellent mining GPU. This is because it manages a high hash rate of around 30 mh/s without needing too much power. Remember, the more power a GPU requires, the more expensive it is to run, which will eat into your cryptocurrency profits. As with many recent Nvidia GPUs, the 1070 is on the pricey side, so you will have to take an initial hit when starting up, but if you're into cryptocurrency mining for the long run, the 1070 is easily the best mining GPU currently available.

AMD Radeon RX580

AMD's GPU is a mining winner

Core Clock: 1,257MHz | Memory: 8GB GDDR5 | Memory Clock: 8Gbps | Power Connectors: 1x 8-pin, 1 x 6-pin | Power Draw: 185W | Outputs: 1 DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0

Great price

Very good cooling

Often sold out due to its popularity for mining

The AMD Radeon RX580 is one of the most outstanding GPUs for mining, so much so that it is a bit of a victim of its own success, as it can sometimes be difficult to find. However, its popularity is well-deserved, as it offers an excellent hash rate of 29 mh/s while also keeping the electricity consumption low. Additionally, Bitcoin mining gpu review is cheaper than the GTX 1070, and if you don't mind changing a few settings, you'll be very pleased with this card's mining performance.

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060

A solid alternative to the AMD Radeon RX 480

Core Clock: 1,506MHz Bitcoin mining gpu review Memory: 6GB GDDR5 | Memory Clock: 8Gbps | Power Connectors: 1 x 6-pin | Power Draw: 120W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0, DL-DVI


Good mining performance

Stock can be sparse

Nvidia's GTX 1060 is the latest addition to our best GPU for mining list, taking the place of the AMD Radeon RX 480, which is almost impossible to buy these days due to low stock levels. As with the card its replacing, the GTX 1060 Bitcoin mining gpu review the most powerful GPU. However, it delivers very good mining results without being ridiculously expensive. Plus, it’s an excellent gaming graphics card for gaming as well, which is handy if you want to use your mining equipment for other purposes.

Read the full review:Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060

AMD Radeon RX Vega

Punchy graphics performance above its weight

Core Clock: 1,156MHz | Memory: 8GB HBM2 | Memory Clock: 1.6 Gbps | Power Connectors: 2 x 8-pin | Power Draw: 210W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0

Very good mining performance

High energy consumption

Runs a tad hot

The AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 is one of the best value-loaded graphics card on the market right now. Benchmarks confirm that it Bitcoin mining gpu review faster than the Nvidia GTX 1070 and, thanks to the Bitcoin mining craze, it’s also cheaper to boot. Again, it can be a tricky GPU to track down, and it's power consumption means it might end up being an expensive GPU to run 24/7 in a mining rig. Still, it's excellent at mining, so if you can find one, it's definitely a worthy contender.

Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti

A brilliant, yet expensive, GPU for mining

Core Clock: 1,582 MHz | Memory: 11GB GDDR5X | Memory Clock: 11GHz | Power Connectors: 1 x 6-pin; 1 x 8-pin | Power Draw: 250W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0

Incredibly powerful

Excellent hash rates

Expensive to buy and to run

Until either Volta or Turing comes along to replace it, the Nvidia GTX remains and will Bitcoin mining gpu review as one of the most powerful graphics cards out there. However, as good as it is a gaming GPU and also an excellent mining one, there are a few limitations that prevent it from taking over the top spot on the list. For instance, it’s an extremely expensive GPU, and it also draws more power than its competition. This means you’ll be getting less of a return on Bitcoin mining gpu review investment, and it’ll take some time to cover your costs. However, if you don’t mind shelling out the extra cash for this GPU, (or if you want to game with the Best graphics card around), then you’ll be happy with its performance since if you do a bit of tweaking, you can reach a hash rate of 32 mh/s.

Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti

A recent update to the 1070

Core Clock: 1,607MHz | Memory: 8GB GDDR5 | Memory Clock: 8GHz | Power Connectors: 1 x 8-pin | Power Draw: 180W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0

Nice and Bitcoin mining gpu review good hash rates

Higher power consumption than 1070

More expensive

While the GTX 1070 sits atop our list of the top mining GPUs, its follow up, the GTX 1070 Ti, isn’t too far behind. Another fantastic mining graphics card with a number of power upgrades, such as a higher Bitcoin mining gpu review clock, the 1070 Ti also does a very good job. However, there are a few reasons why it ranks lower than its older sibling. For Bitcoin mining gpu review start, because it's newer, it costs more than the 1070, reducing your profits from mining. It also has a higher power consumption, making it more costly to run. Finally, there have been incidents of a bug in the driver software, which makes this GPU hash lower than expected, though an upcoming fix should sort that. If you're prepared to adjust a few settings, however, this is an impressive mining GPU.

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