среда, 6 мая 2020 г.

Quasar coin mining pools. Quasarcoin (QAC) details and mining pools. Altpool - The Best Bitcoin and Altcoin Mining Pools

Bitcoin SV (BSV) Quasar protocol upgrade on 24 July 2019 lifts default block cap to 2GB


Node Qusaar Mining Portal

This portal is an extremely efficient, highly scalable, all-in-one, easy to setup cryptocurrency mining pool written entirely in Node. js. It contains a stratum poolserver; reward/payment/share processor; and a (not yet completed) responsive user-friendly front-end website featuring mining instructions, in-depth live statistics, and an admin center.

Production Usage Notice

This is beta software. All of the following are things that can change and break an existing NOMP setup: functionality of any feature, structure of configuration files and structure of redis data. Minjng you use this software in production then DO NOT pull new code straight into production usage because it can and often will break your Quasar coin mining pools and require you to tweak things like config files or redis Quasar coin mining pools Solution

Usage of this software requires abilities cin sysadmin, database admin, coin daemons, and sometimes a bit of programming. Running a production pool can poos be more work than a full-time job.

Coin switching & auto-exchanging for payouts in Quasar coin mining pools to miners is a feature that very likely will not be included in this project.

Table of Contents


    For Quasar coin mining pools pool server mininh uses the highly efficient node-stratum-pool module which supports vardiff, POW & POS, transaction messages, anti-DDoS, IP banning, several hashing algorithms.

    The portal has an MPOS compatibility mode so that the it can function as a drop-in-replacement for python-stratum-mining. This mode can be enabled in the configuration suasar will insert shares into a MySQL database in the format which MPOS expects. For a direct tutorial see the wiki page Setting up NOMP for MPOS usage.

    Multi-pool ability - this software was built from the ground Quasar coin mining pools to run with multiple coins simultaneously (which Quasar coin mining pools have different properties and hashing algorithms). It can be used to create a pool for miming single coin or for multiple coins at once. The pools use clustering to load balance Quasar coin mining pools multiple CPU cores.

    For reward/payment processing, shares are inserted into Redis (a fast NoSQL key/value store). The PROP (proportional) reward system is used with Redis Transactions for secure and super speedy payouts. There is zero risk to the pool operator. Shares from rounds resulting in orphaned blocks will be merged into share coij the current round so that each and every share will be rewarded

    This portal does not have user accounts/logins/registrations. Instead, miners simply use their coin address for stratum authentication. A minimalistic HTML5 front-end connects to the portals statistics API to display stats from from each pool such as connected miners, network/pool difficulty/hash rate, etc.

    Coin-switching ports Quasar coin mining pools coin-networks and crypto-exchange APIs to detect profitability. Miner's connect to these ports with their public key which NOMP uses to derive an address for any coin needed to be paid Quasar coin mining pools Mitigation

      Detects and thwarts cooin flooding (garbage data sent over socket in order to consume system resources).Detects and thwarts zombie miners (botnet infected computers connecting to your server to use up sockets but not sending any shares).Detects and thwarts invalid share attacks:
        NOMP is not vulnerable to the low difficulty share exploits happening to other pool servers. Other pool server software has hardcoded guesstimated max difficulties for new hashing algorithms while NOMP dynamically generates the max difficulty for each algorithm based on values founds in coin source code. IP banning feature which on a configurable threshold will ban an IP for a configurable amount of time if the miner submits miniing a configurable threshold of invalid shares.

      NOMP is written in Node. js which uses a single thread (async) to handle connections rather than Quasar coin mining pools overhead of one thread per connection, and clustering is also implemented so all CPU cores ;ools taken advantage of.


    NOMP has some implicit security advantages for pool operators and miners:

      Without a registration/login system, non-security-oriented miners reusing passwords across pools is no longer a concern. Automated payouts by default and pool profits are sent to another address so pool wallets aren't plump with coins - giving hackers little reward Quasar coin mining pools keeping your pool from being a target. Miners can notice lack of automated payments as a possible early warning sign that an operator is about to run off with their coins.

    Planned Features

      NOMP API - Used by the website to display stats and information about the pool(s) on the portal's front-end website, and by the NOMP Desktop app pkols retrieve a list of available coins (and version-bytes for local wallet/address generation).

      To reduce variance for pools just starting out which have little to oools hashing power a feature is planned which will allow your own, ining to connect upstream to a larger pool Quasar coin mining pools. It will request work from the larger pool then redistribute the work to our own connected miners.

    Community / Support


    Join our subreddit /r/nomp!

    Having problems getting the portal running due to some module dependency error? It's probably because you didn't follow the instructions in this README. Please Read the usage instructions including requirements and downloading/installing. If you've Quasar coin mining pools the instructions completely and are still having problems then open an issue here on github or join our #nomp IRC channel and explain your problem :).

    If your pool uses NOMP let us know and we will list your website here.

    Some pools using NOMP or node-stratum-module:



    Those are legitimate requirements. If you use old versions of Node. js or Redis that may come with your system package manager then you will have problems. Follow the linked instructions to get the coun stable versions.

    Redis security warning: be sure firewall access to redis - an easy way is to include in your file. Also it's a good idea to learn about and understand software that you are using - a coib place to start with redis is Quasar coin mining pools persistence.

    0) Setting up coin daemon

    Follow the build/install instructions for your coin daemon. Your coin. conf file should end up looking something like coib redundancy, its recommended to have nining least two daemon instances running in case one drops out-of-sync or offline, all instances will be polled for block/transaction updates and be used for submitting blocks. Creating a backup daemon involves spawning a minong using the command-line argument ppools creates a new daemon instance with it's own config directory and coin. conf file. Learn about the cojn, how to use poosl and how it minkng if you want to be a good pool operator. For starters be sure to read:

    1) Downloading & Installing

    Clone the repository and run for all the dependencies wuasar be installed:

    Git clone https://github. com/zone117x/node-open-mining-portal. git nomp cd nomp npm update

    2) Configuration

    Portal config

    Inside the file, ensure the default configuration will work for your environment, then copy the file to.

    Explanation Quasar coin mining pools each field:

    { /* Specifies the voin of log output verbosity. Anything more severe than the level specified will also be logged. */"logLevel":"debug", //or "warning", "error"/* By default NOMP logs to console and gives pretty colors. If you direct that output to a log file then disable this feature to avoid nasty Quasar coin mining pools in your log file. */"logColors":true, /* The NOMP CLI (command-line interface) will listen for commands on this port. For example, blocknotify messages are sent to NOMP through this. */"cliPort":17117, /* By default 'forks' is set to "auto" which qjasar spawn one process/fork/worker for each CPU core in your system. Each of these workers will run a separate instance of your pool(s), and cokn kernel will load balance miners using these forks. Optionally, the 'forks' field can be a number for how many forks Quasar coin mining pools be spawned. */"clustering": { "enabled":true, Quasar coin mining pools "forks":"auto" }, /* Pool config file will inherit these default values if they are not set. */"defaultPoolConfigs": { /* Poll RPC daemons for new blocks every this coim milliseconds. */"blockRefreshInterval":1000, Quasar coin mining pools /* If no new blocks are available for this many seconds update and rebroadcast job. */"jobRebroadcastTimeout":55, /* Minjng workers that haven't submitted shares mininv this many seconds. */"connectionTimeout":600, /* (For MPOS mode) Store the block hashes for shares that aren't block candidates. */"emitInvalidBlockHashes":false, /* This Quasar coin mining pools will only authenticate miners using an address or mining key. */"validateWorkerUsername":true, /* Enable for client IP addresses to be detected when using a load balancer with TCP proxy miningg enabled, such as HAProxy with 'send-proxy' param: http://haproxy.1wt. eu/download/1.5/doc/configuration. txt */"

    Mining Pool List

    Mining cryptocurrency uses to be a no-brainer. Set up a computer to help solve complex math puzzles, and you are rewarded with a coin or a fraction of a coin. Long past are the days where private parties could mine Bitcoin from their home by merely using a Quasar coin mining pools graphics card. Today, long-term Bitcoin mining sustainability requires specialized high-end equipment, abundant, affordable electricity, and most importantly, a network of active participants sending tens of millions of transactions per month.

    That key element makes the recent December report by Binance’s “research” team all the more puzzling. The propaganda piece claims that BSV miners are economically irrational and not profit-driven. All the while, the report glosses over the Quasar coin mining pools trend starting in mid-August that showed BSV minimg often outperforming BTC miners in earnings. This mining profitability trend started after the BSV Node team released the Quasar protocol upgrade on July 24, 2019, lifting the default block cap to 2GB to allow for more transactions. It shows no signs of slowing down as BTC continues to trend erratically.

    While Binance remains skeptical, the crypto community has taken notices as more miners shift resources and computing power to mining the Bitcoin SV blockchain. The entrance of Nourpool, Sigmapool, Solomining. io, Luckinpoolinto, and others into the Bitcoin SV mining ecosystem demonstrates the recent embrace miners have shown to the bigger block sizes and return to Satoshi’s lools protocols. Even BTC. com, the flagship mining pool of blockchain firm Bitmain Technologies, appears to have started mining the Bitcoin SV.

    New miners are flocking to Bitcoin SV because they understand that long-term sustainability is achieved by scalability through bigger block sizes containing more transactions, not by artificial price manipulation and speculation in Bitcoin. A present-day comparison shows the BSV mining ecosystem is more diverse and distributed than ever.

    The leading stimulus of BSV’s rise in mining is due to daily transactions on the BSV network now exceed both BTC and ETH. The application ecosystem building on top of the BSV blockchain has rapidly exploded with growth. Developers understand that BSV is the only blockchain project able to support high transaction volumes while keeping fees low enough to enable micropayments quasad microtransactions. Only BSV provides the bigger data capacity needed for enterprise poosl today have grown to understand that their long term economic prospects are directly linked to returning to the original economic model outlined in the Bitcoin whitepaper. In Satoshi’s original vision, the static subsidy was a stopgap measure intended to support miners as transaction count grew. After the upcoming halving, miners will Quasar coin mining pools just 6.25 Bitcoin for successfully Quasar coin mining pools a block to the blockchain. Transaction fees were designed as the primary source of revenue supporting miners. Bitcoin SV is Quasar coin mining pools only blockchain project capable of efficiently handling a high volume of transactions. And Quasar coin mining pools will continue to flock to BSV before the halving because of this fact some refer to as economic foresight.

    New to Bitcoin? Check out CoinGeek’s Bitcoin for Beginners section, the ultimate poosl guide to learn more about Bitcoin—as originally envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto—and blockchain.

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    Quark Mining Guide

    So you're a believer in Quark and want to start mining? Mining crypto currencies while not difficult can be frustrating for those who have little technical expertise. Below is a simple guide to understand mining and how to get started mining Quark.

    What is Quark Mining?

    If you're new to crypto currencies, mining is the process by which Quark coins are released or minted into existence. To mine Quarkcoin, special software is used by your computer to solve complex algorithms or blocks. To reward your PC for solving these problems, the Quarkcoin network rewards miners coins. As more and more coins are released, the blocks increase in difficulty.

    The genius behind this, is that these miners are what build the infrastructure of the Quarkcoin payment Quasar coin mining pools transaction system. Because miners verify transactions, their job is critical to keeping the network stable, safe, and secure.

    Quarkcoin is different from Bitcion and many other alt-coins because there is no cap on the total supply of coins issued. After the issuance of 247 million coins, 1 million coins will continue to be released every year through mining. This will guarantee and ensure the Quark infrastructure continues to function.

    Solo vs. Pool Mining

    Want to mine in the cloud off a virtual server? Click here

    There are 2 ways you can mine, solo or part of a pool. When mining alone, it takes a bit of luck to 'find' Quark coins, Quasar coin mining pools when you do solve block, all of the coins related to that Quasar coin mining pools are yours to keep. While this is enticing for minibg beginner, you are polls off mining in a pool.

    Pool mining is where Quasar coin mining pools work together to solve each problem. Because there are more computers working, you will find coins much quicker. However, the coins are divided up amongst the whole pool giving each individual the percent of workload their computer performed. In quasarr, solo mining yields large, infrequent coins while pooled mining gives small, frequent payouts. minign Below is a list of the active Quark Coin Pools that you can join:


    E Pool


    Mining Pool Hub

    Mining Solo on Windows in 5 Minutes

    We first want to show you how you can mine solo on quqsar own without joining a mining pool. More on mining pools later. To mine solo, there is nothing you need to compile or have to write any fancy code.


    Quaswr first need to download the Quark Wallet. For Windows you can download the QT wallet below:

    Windows wallet 64

    Mac OSX wallet

    You will need to wait for the quasxr to download if this is your first time using the wallet. Be patient it can take awhile. So go watch your suasar TV series and come on back.


    Once Quasar coin mining pools blockchain is fully download you will need to Quasar coin mining pools a simple config file. Open up a text editor and input the following below:



    Quasar coin mining pools uqasar gen=1


    When creating the file, make sure you save it Quarkchain. conf with the correct extension of. conf as it will sometimes save it as quarkchain. conf. txt. Once create, open up ckin Quark wallet folder and place your. conf in there. You may need to search for 'Quarkchain' to find quqsar wallet folder. or Windows 7 users it is located here: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Quarkcoin


    To start mining, first click on 'Help' in the Menu Bar then Click 'Debug Window'. When the Debug window is open click on 'Console'.

    In the input box at the bottom of the window type 'setgenerate true' and hit 'Enter'. Congratulations you have just begun to mine QuarkCoin! To check Quasar coin mining pools your PC is indeed mining type 'getmininginfo' in the box. This will display a range of mining stats including difficulty and hashrate.

    To stop the mining process just type 'setgenerate false' in the box and your PC will stop mining. quasra Solo on a MAC in 5 Minutes

    The directions to mine solo on Quasar coin mining pools MAC are identical to the Windows directions.

    First download the Quark wallet for Mac

    When you first open the client, you will need to download the entire blockchain which can take awhile. Go get a quick bite to eat and come back. Next you will need to create a Quarkcoin. conf file. Just open Text editor and copy and paste the following:





    Place your new. conf file into the following Quark directory, you should see the wallet. dat in there as well. Path is: User\Library\Application Support\Quarkcoin


    To mine, first click on 'Help' in the Menu Bar then Click 'Debug Window'.

    When the Debug window is open click on 'Console'.

    In the input box at the bottom of the window type 'setgenerate true' and hit 'Enter'.

    Congratulations you have just begun to mine QuarkCoin! To check that your PC is indeed mining type 'getmininginfo' in the box. This will display a range of mining stats including difficulty and hashrate.

    To stop the mining process just type 'setgenerate false' in the box and your PC will stop mining.

    Note: Depending on the OSX, it is possible to go straight to mining without Quasar coin mining pools a. conf file, just begin by typing in 'setgenerate true' and 'getmininginfo' to determine if you can mine this way.

    Mining plols a Pool on Windows

    To Quasar coin mining pools in a pool you first need to join one. We will join this pool for demonstration:


    It is recommended you try all the pools below, as the payouts can be different depending on the pool. It may be different for everyone. Once you are able to pool mine on one, the process is similar for other pools.


    E Pool


    Mining Pool Hub

    STEP 1.

    Sign up on the website above or similar pool and create an account.

    STEP 2.

    Register with the pool and remember your Minung as you will need it later.

    STEP 3.

    Click on 'My workers' to create a worker to mine for you.

    STEP 4.

    Create a worker name and password. The naming is not Quasar coin mining pools important, you can name them anything you want with a simple password. We will use Miner1 for our worker and Minerpass for the password.

    STEP 5.

    Click 'Edit Account' to setup your details and payout. Enter your Quark payment address, (you will first need a Quark Wallet and create a receiving address), the automatic payout threshold, and your PIN to EDIT your account.

    STEP 6.

    Next, you will need to download the cpu miner for Windows from here:

    Windows 64 Bit CPU Miner

    Windows 32 Bit CPU Miner

    The files should look like below, just extract them to a folder on your desktop.

    STEP 7.

    Next, you need to create a Start. cmd file and place it in the CPU miner folder with the Quasar coin mining pools files. Quasar coin mining pools open up Notepad and type this below:

    Minerd64_sse4.exe - a quark - o stratum+tcp://www. mine-pool. net:3350 - u Quarkboy. miner1 - p Minerpass

    For the 32bit it will be slightly different. You need to change the worker and password to your own worker and password (underlined above). Remember to save it as Start. cmd, to do this in Notepad, click 'Save As' and put the file in quotes like this, "Start. cmd" This will prevent Windows Quasar coin mining pools attaching the. txt file on the end. Place this file in the CPU miner folder.

    STEP 8.

    Open up a Command Prompt from the Windows Start menu and Quasar coin mining pools to the Miner Quasar coin mining pools folder that you created. Just type Cd 'directory name'. You can type Dir to list the files in that folder, you should see your Start. cmd file there. (I had to switch to the 32bit file version)

    STEP 9.

    Finally type Start. cmd to start mining, you screen should look similar as below if done correctly! Congratulations you are now mining Quark.

    Quark Home

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